Penis pump

Hi everyone, I haven’t posted for a long while but can anyone give me some info?
i’ve just bought this and it is very, very tight!
Are all Penis pumps this tight? i’m referring to the sleeve/hole size.
thanks in advance.

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Hi Mojo.

Without going into too much detail due to the community guidelines, can you be more specific? For example is it too tight if a fit for your member? Does it cause pain or discomfort? Does it cause issues with being able to use pump or its use? Or does the sleeve cause massive issues?

Have a pump myself but after using a bit of lubricant the sleeve becomes much easier to use.

Hi Harry,
It isn’t easy to get into, i’ve used a lot of lube and it did help but i had to pump it to pull me in if that makes sense? it doesn’t feel pain full once i’m all the way in but I feel a bit of pain once I release the air, it feels really tight around my girth and really difficult to take off. It might just be that i’m new to it and I will get used to it but wanted to know if this is normal or is it just too tight?

I recently tried out one and found the hole was tight too but I reckon this is down to the idea that it has to create a vacuum seal when the penis is in the pump so no air can get in… I’d mainly suggest using a good helping of lube :nerd_face:

If youre clean shaven you can use it without the sealing ring, also if you use it in the bath full of water youll find the effect greater as water doesn’t expand?

I will give that a try, thank you :+1:t2:

I’ve also had to use the pump function to pull myself in. Honestly, there is bound to be a tiny bit of pain when removing a vacuum from your member. Even if you have depressurised.

Just sounds like you perhaps A. Aren’t used to the pressure and experience of using a pump and it’ll take time to adjust and understand that. Or B. You are perhaps too big or the pump is too small.
Just be really careful and read the guidelines on how to use one properly and are using it correctly. But most of all. Have fun!

Try a bathmate. They come in various sizes and use water rather than air vacuum. Best to be clean shaven but works very well