Penis Pumps

As someone with a medical condition of which ED is a symptom I'd be interested to hear from others who use them before looking to purchase.

i have a loving wife who totally understands & have a decent sex life, have seeked medical advice but dont want to go down the injection route (as viagra has no effect) which to me would put a damper on any romantic evening!

there are many on the market so making the right choice is paramount and like to know if once used the erection is sustained, with or without rings, or do you go again, something which is an issue that does spoil the event at times

does prolonged use or using more than once in a session have any adverse effect?

hopefully I can make an informed decision as to which one to purchase, if we do decide to try one

I would recommend having a read through the reviews of the different pumps available on here, as I'm sure many of the posters will be going through something similar. I have no experience with them personally, but hopefully now I've bumped this post someone will see this post who can offer some further advice :)

Thanks for the replys, the problem is more medically physical than psychological but I will look into the ones which LH offer and look forward to other replies and experiences

Remember the effect starts to fade as soon as the pump is removed though a cock ring may help prolong things experimentation is the key and not overly expectant.

If it's a physical issue, you might want to discuss this with your doctor, or at the sexual health clinic? To see if they think penis pumps and cock rings will be of benefit for you. And no need to be shy! Doctors hear all kinds of things and won't be put off, and primarily want to help you :)