Pleasure gel

I wonder if someone can help - I'm not sure if anyone has heard of or used Ann Summer's pleasure gel. I've come across it before and I loved it, the sensations are amazing. However, I refuse to buy anything from there so I'm looking for something similar here at Lovehoney.

I already own the Swoon Orgasm balm but I want it to be more of a lube than balm as I find that the balm rubs off very quickly and doesn't provide the lubrication a gel would.

I've considered getting the Durex Tingle lube or the Heat lube but I'm not sure if they will be appropriate. Does anyone own any of these? Or has anyone tried anything else they could recommend instead?

Durex tingle lube is so nice!! It took me a while to get to like it, but it's amazing. And actually quite hard to describe, some reviews say it feels hot but I find it feels cold and then tingles. Either way, you should give it a try. I've tried the warm one before, but I didn't like it.

Thanks MrsMcx! I also found the Durex Play Feel lube so its now between that and the Tingle. I may just have to get both ;)

I hate the Durex tingle lube. It just feels like its burning you. Well that's how it was for me and lots of other people anyway.

I'm after something new lube wise at the moment, I'm thinking of trying a different warming lube and the KY warming lube has really good reviews.

The Durex Play Feel lube reviews don't say much about making a big impact, it sounds like the feel might make a slight difference but not much. I would say if you're after a totally different sensation then go for the tingle, but if you're after something just a hit different go for the feel :)

I personally haven't tried the feel, so I can't comment on that but it sounds like it won't make that much of a difference so I doubt I'll try it this time around, but I might in the future.

What about a balm PPD -

So tempted to try the balm!!

Lollipop, have you tried it recently, I don't know if its changed, but I first used it about three years ago, and hated it!! Tried it again last week and it was amazing!!

Its just another option thought I would add my 2 pennies worth lol

I think I'll go for the tingle, if I don't like it I can always just buy a different one!

KF - I have the swoon balm and I don't really like it as I need to use lube with it anyway so I'm assuming the Pin ups one is the same. Thanks though :)

Oh what a muppet I am

What about Not tried it but reviews are ok.

Or this

This is great and although it looks expensive for a small bottle, you only need a tiny bit and personally I thought it was great.

I used to love this and was mystified when it was discontinued quite quickly :(

Ooh I didn't even think of looking at the 50 shades collection, I didn't know about those! I might try one of the cheaper ones first then go for the more expensive ones if I don't like the feel of them though.

And I thought Lovehoney had their own pleasure gel/lube but I couldn't find it! That would be why then, its a shame its discontinued.

I used it about two years ago MrsMcx so no. But when I did use it, it just felt like it was burning me and a bit painful. I've use other Durex lubes and they are great it was just that one. But hopefully they have changed it. :)

Durex tingle and heat burns me. They give me a nasty reaction that feels itchy and burning at the same time. Sliquid do have an sensations lubricant. I haven't tried it but I love their products and no reactions :)