Poly couples


Recently read the blog “Sharing the love (and everything you need to know about poly pleasure” an a really good read. Got me thinking what is everyone elses view on it ? Also would love to hear more on the authors view of it.

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I can’t find the piece you are referencing but from a personal perspective I am non-monogamous. It’s part of me in the same way my sexuality is. My relationships aren’t always polyamorous as such but it has been a very long time since I was in a fully monogamous relationship.

But it’s like anything, it will be perfect for some and an absolute no for others. No right or wrong either way, just try to be in relationships with people that feel the same.


I am also not sure which article you are referring to, but I am very much open to a non monogamous relationship. I’m currently single and so can’t comment on current experiences, but for me I think of it as similar to how we have different friends - they each offer something unique and I take different things from different people, and they will get different things from me as well. At the end of the day they are all types of relationships and for me this applies to romantic and sexual relationships too. I think there can be a lot of pressure on monogamous relationships to be that persons “everything”, which I personally don’t see as achievable. From previous experiences as well, I found that non-monogamous people often have better open communication which is something important to me as well. :blush:


I think as long as everyone involved knows and communication stays open/healthy then non-monogamous relationships can be brilliant examples of how to maintain good relationships. The extra people mean communication is a must, which is something that sometimes fails in monogamy, and having more people to trust and rely on helps with mental health and discourages codependency


Are you able to post a link to the blog article? :upside_down_face:

See attached link to the article.