porn for couples?

My fiancee has said she would like to watch a dvd but she wants me to get it as she is a little shy. She is unsure what she wants. Any ideas on coupe friendly porn?

Hi and welcome.

Almost impossible to answer without knowing either of your preferences.

You will need to speak with her to find out what she thinks she may want to watch - no way round it I'm afraid xxxx

There is a thread that would negate the need for getting a DVD and go through the posts and find something on-line if that's possible for you.

It really is a case of trial and error, see what does it for you both...

Yep, all subjective. Talkie time :)

xhamster and search for MOMxxx videos , i would say they are ideal for couples to watch . Me and the other half watch them fairly regularly .

They have a female choice section on there too

well, personally I think the best porn for couples has to be found here: - seriously the best collection of porn sites. have a long look at it!