Potentially the worlds best contraception option? And it's for men.

Having found this link on Tinynibbles and posting this on facebook because it's just so blooming awesome, I thought i'd share with you guys, because I know a lot of people on here really struggle with contraception options.


Certainly an interesting idea! If it works, then it'll be a major major breakthrough!

Still not as good as condoms as it wont stop STIs, but if you get tested along with this then its really good. Would want to see if it had any side effects in 5, 10 20+ years. (bit cynical i know but as with any new drug you just don't know what happens long term)


I'm skeptical. All the articles on the foundation pushing this read a little too much like PR to me. Pages and pages in Google all looking too similar. I'd like to investigate a little more but it doesn't look quite right to me.


It is 1st of April

Not really sure about that one at all!!!

Nahh I don't buy it.

It seems like there's no seamen release at all then?! Surely that's unhealthy for a start & nowhere near as satisfying as releasing over something ;-)

I'd be worried the 'reverse' process wouldn't work and render the victim unable to have children!


Try these out. There's an op too.... Male contraception information project

Doesn't sound realistic. Maybe even too good to be true?


Thanks for sharing, it looks very interesting to us, we can both see how it would work. We have issues with contraception, so will def be one to keep an eye on in the future. Though saying that I don't think we'll try any weird contraception methods until after we have kids - just to be on the safe side!

DollPoet wrote:

It is 1st of April

It wasn't when this was posted though.


ilikeketchup wrote:

Nahh I don't buy it.

It seems like there's no seamen release at all then?! Surely that's unhealthy for a start & nowhere near as satisfying as releasing over something ;-)

I'd be worried the 'reverse' process wouldn't work and render the victim unable to have children!


The "theory" is it kills the sperm as it moves past the injected solvent. I'm not sure if the science is good but that's not to say it's bad science either. I don't trust the source - it'd need backing up by something more reliable.


I am bit sceptical too, although I would welcome some non hormonal contraception, considering I cannot take hormones and condom is really annoying sometimes (in monogamous long term and faitful relationship).

ilikeketchup wrote:

Nahh I don't buy it.

It seems like there's no seamen release at all then?! Surely that's unhealthy for a start & nowhere near as satisfying as releasing over something ;-)

I'd be worried the 'reverse' process wouldn't work and render the victim unable to have children!


I believe that this is happening after vasectomy as well. But I think the main reason why after vasectomy some men are not able to have childern anymore is because there were issues with reestablishing the cut parts.

If I understand the process, semen is released, the sperm inside is just torn apart when it passes into the section of the tube coated with the material, as the reversed polarity (If this is the right term to use) created by the substance tears the sperm apart as they pass through.

So it doesn't work by blocking the tubes. I might do a bit more research into this, but as someone unlikely to father children naturally I only have the academic intrest to follow.

This is another source mentioned. =)


There is definately some good science behind this, have been having a good search through some academic papers, unfortunately you need access to most of them (which we do, but can't really post any links) and I can't find a good review but http://www.es.landesbioscience.com/journals/spermatogenesis/Cheng2SPMG1-4.pdf is free, and mentions it as a possible alternative. There is also a lot of research going into how this could not only cause the sperm to be disfunctional (by changing their polarity) but also killing off the HIV virus therefore stopping it's transmission. Very interesting and ground-breaking stuff. Looks like trials for it started on rats about 11 years ago. If I get a bit of a spare moment I might have a bit better look at it (Alex would be best to have a look in fact, it's more his area of interest).


Pixieking wrote:

So it doesn't work by blocking the tubes. I might do a bit more research into this, but as someone unlikely to father children naturally I only have the academic intrest to follow.

Yer - it doesn't work by blocking the tube.


Looking at the literature the science does look ok (I didn't have time to look at the science yesterday and not being a chemist or pharmacologist DMSO is more commonly used for freezing down cells in biology - other than that I don't know much about it).

Having said that, a study has found that some sperm cells have changed centrally (as in before passing the resin injected into the vas deferens) in some monkeys which would be a concern for return of fertility later.

Also remember that phase II trial is the second stage (of 3) in clinical trialling and the whole process can take years and even then you want to give a few years of post-clinical trialling to get a full idea of the whole range of side effects (and effects of use in people with certain conditions or in different age ranges)
