Preconceived ideas

Lol very true! I'm sure there is a few people on here that have had bigger than a minion !!!! I have had to get my tape measure out a few times when reading product specs! I've been running around the house trying to work out which olive oil bottle or wine bottle is the same size as the product. Half the time I'm just thinking ' how the hell will that fit up anyone!'

M-j see most of my colleagues knew me back I. My single days or have herd the stories about me , so they wouldn't be too shocked if they looked under my bed and found all my toys and restriants lol

I grew up in a different part of the country so no one here knows me from when i was geowing up & now I work in a predominately male environment & every so often the conversations turn round to inuendo & sex & I'll just say something naughty and they'll just look at me in amazement & you can almost see them thinking!

Think they'd be shocked if they saw my toy chest & restraints

M-J wrote:

It's always the quiet ones you have to watch. I think my colleagues would be quite shocked to find out that although by day I talk about funds and tax by night I'm quite a kinky girlie!!

Not so sure about that — I have a reasonable number friends in similar fields to you and they are pretty raunchy. You may be equally astounded at the number of your colleagues who could well have similar interests.

I suppose one shouldn't rule-out even the least likely candidates…

My OH is the opposite, I'm her one and only and due to that her family think butter wouldn't melt, all our friends have crap sex lives so we make out ours isn't brilliant! and most think she's like them, prudish! they all would be shocked if they saw in our beds drawers! Well all except 1 who I know is adventurous as we were fuck buddies for about a year! but even adventurous as she was she wasn't a patch as the OH now!

Lol see I had to walk into work still handcuffed to a dr from the night before. I had some work mates round for drinks. They found my cuffs , handcuffed me to a dr who fancied me and then ran off with the keys. We obviously got jiggy but next day we had to be uncuffed infront of all the other members of staff whilst still wearing out clothes from night before as we had been unable to get changed for work Etc

Can't really say I've ever thought about what someone looks like on here tbh, But I do get discombobulated when someone changed their avatar since I generally associate that with the response before looking at the name lol.

Naughty nurse 85 wrote:

Lol see I had to walk into work still handcuffed to a dr from the night before. I had some work mates round for drinks. They found my cuffs , handcuffed me to a dr who fancied me and then ran off with the keys. We obviously got jiggy but next day we had to be uncuffed infront of all the other members of staff whilst still wearing out clothes from night before as we had been unable to get changed for work Etc

Amazing! I had a bit of a reputation at my last workplace but calmed down a bit when I met my OH. Still friends with some of the old lot, but my OH doesn't know much of it and is a bit shy so it doesn't get mentioned much!

Im never going to look at minions in the same way again... :D

My view of all of you are better looking more experienced then myself and full of useful ideas :-)

I think people would be shocked that im on here, with the expection of a few friends (mostly online amd out the country) im a quiet single woman whos a prude... ifnonly they knew :D

I think that seeing a photo of someones face after you've got to know them on here as an obscure user name and avatar, is a bit like when you've istened to a radio presenter for ages and don't know what they look like then you suddenly see them on TV!
It's not like you have any idea what they would look like it's just that you've got used to them being a faceless voice for so long, you're like "oh that's the guy off the radio I wouldn't of guessed they looked like that at all".

I agree, I often use the avatar to look at who it is before the name! And some people do have really stunning ones - I love yours mrs average, it's stunning!

I do have to giggle to myself about how people see me, day to day life I get quite a few comments about "she'd eat him alive" etc, when really I love both the sub and dom angle...I'm not always the man/woman eater ;) And all my close friends know what I'm like, as we had a get together round mine and they found my toys and had a bit of a circle time with them! Certainly one of the stranger moments, having 10 other people crowded into my little bedroom, passsing my toys around and figuring out what each yeah, they know what I'm like ;p

I think I come across VERY well as a guarded, but kind, generally boring person in real life. I don't tell people around me about my business, I barely update facebook status etc. I rarely talk about my sex life with people around me except my partner.I think if family or friends had the slightest idea what I do, they would probably fall off their chairs...or maybe they are the same and would high five! lol

I have pretty much learned that kinkiness exists in all colours, creeds, classes and ages and I have been shocked once or twice by totally not expecting to see the face that appeared. After learning about someone in more depth, you kind of form a mental image I guess. I have learned that 99% of the time this mental image is totally WRONG! lol I can't picture all kinksters as beautiful or sexy christian greys or porn star ladies. That would be like imagining all gamers are all geeky, skinny males with pasty skin still living with mum. Stereotype (From the dictionary): "A widely held, but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. I totally love how you can look at someone and form opinions just by how they look, usually based on your own experiences with similar looking people or ideas. Yet, you never really do know what lies deeper, in the secret parts of their brain, until one day they shock you! lol