Preparing for Anal

I know it is said to use an enema then doucche but I was wondering if anyone has specific routines or different tools or methods they use?

Personally I find the shower works very well!

I sometimes douche when using toys, but when my OH and I have anal she never does, it's usually too spur of the moment and it's never been a problem.

I always douche if my OH fancies any anal play of any kind.... the prospect of anything untoward happening would be mortifying!

If you think the shower works well.

Then try it with one of these.

A five seconds blast and you're cleaned out.

I don't douche. There is no way of me knowing when exactly I'll be having anal sex or play so I don't worry about it. I've had a few minor accidents (maybe 4 or 5 in 7 years) but on the whole there is no mess at all.

If I know I'll be seeing my partner then the day before I try especially hard to limit foods that trigger IBS flare ups. I'm generally pretty good but sometimes the food that hates me tastes so good! If I have a flare up I just let him know and we don't do anal (or we do but he has been warned!). Even during a flare up it's generally fine though.

I think whether it is really needed probably depends on your bowel habits. Without getting too graphic...if it is easy to wipe clean after going to the toilet then it's highly unlikely there will be any mess.

I put my shower on the most powerful jet setting and it opens me up and cleans me out really quickly and easily. I make sure I'm clean every time before I think I'm going to be lucky.

I have douched myself but you are supposed to leave about 40 minutes afterwards. Whatever I do always have a shower one insert a few fingers for a clean around. Then I'm all ready for action. I suspect my wife does the same although never specifically asked her.