Pubic hair removal help

I shave on a weekly basis. I use the gillet vibrate razor (men's ) and I also use dove sensitive shaving foam. I make sure to really take my time - twice as long as you would your legs and I can't say I've had a shave rash in that area. I also make sure to "pull" the skin so it's like proper tight if you know what I mean? Suppose it's trial and error as to what works best for the individual

I use a razor and non-scented shaving gel. You need alot of patience because shaving your dangly bits can't be rushed. Holding and stretching the skin tight stops any unwanted accidents. As a personal preference everything looks and feels so much better.

Hot bath beforehand and use a razor with at least 3 blades and afterwards use a stick deodorant! Sounds odd but it works! Lol x

Been waxing for a few years now, but the ingrown hairs/bumps/rash during regrowth is a nightmare. Had my first lazer removal session 2 weeks ago. A thousand times less painful than waxing. My hairs have already been falling out. I'm booked for 7 more sessions 6 weeks apart, so should be fully smooth soon. It is very expensive though.

The Braun Cruzer 7 does the trick, the personal setting is awesome😀