Rant Thread - Get it all out here

Hope you get something soon @Knight1119 :hugs:
Not so long ago I was being forced to give up my job by my work coach at Universal Credit. She said I needed to earn over £1000 a month minimum income floor. How am I supposed to do that on £4.50 an hour with the maximum of 4 kids :joy:.
I asked her who would employ someone in their 60’s with no experience and she mentioned my previous job as a carer. I left caring to start childminding to make life easier before retirement. Then Covid arrived and everything basically shut down, I went into shielding and used that time to build my business back up and was assigned a new work coach and life’s good.
I remember my dad being out of work once and he said he was too old to get a new job, he was only 47.
My heart goes out to you and anyone else seriously looking for a job today. It’s absolutely soul destroying :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks @Amunique, I’m really sorry to hear what you had to go through. Since I was forced out just before Christmas I have had 16 (online Teams) interviews, no job offers, when I ask for feedback they say either, they found someone who was a better fit, or someone with a greater technical skill set, this is despite being told my CV is really good and usually more than enough for the Client. I always wear a suit and tie for all my interviews, I’m always polite to the interviewers, and in most cases they have been much younger than me. I can never be sure, but my age seems to definitely be against me. I totally agree, looking for work for me is one of the most depressing soul destroying experiences in life, it’s a miserable experience, very cutthroat, most Agencies are useless, and often the Clients haven’t got a clue exactly what they want, a lot of the time I had to chase the Agencies up to find out the outcome, sorry for the rant, this is the polite version of how I feel :slightly_frowning_face::crossed_fingers:


@Knight1119 never apologise for how you feel. Life is pretty messed up sometimes. The powers that be always say there’s plenty of jobs out there yet no one wants to entertain you. When you get a knock back don’t let it get you down, get out and treat yourself, even a wee thing just to cheer yourself up :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks for your kind words @Amunique :hugs:

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@Knight1119 anytime :blush:

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In reply to @Amunique and @Knight1119 when i was made redundant at 53 the job centre lady said our age group were great cos we are experienced and reliable and they ended up with about 30 of us from my old job. They tried to get me on an agency but i resisted and found a job backstage in retail in a brand new store by looking at vacancies online for various companies. After 25 years in a steel mill it was a major change and challenge, but it worked for me.
Sod’s law gave me two job offers in my old industry whilst I was doing my training in my new job, but i took the chance for total change.
So maybe cast your search wider @Knight1119 you never know it may work for you too!


Thanks @WillC, I’m thinking about what other jobs I can do.

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Great advice @WillC , and glad you took a chance and it worked out for you :blush:

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@Knight1119 don’t quote me on this but I’m sure employers can’t discriminate against age,that’s not to say it doesn’t happen though!!!
The company I drive for has a few drivers in there 60’s now and are starting to get the usual lorry driver age related issues and there seems to be a bit of a witch hunt of late with meeting after meeting with H.R,occupational health,shift managers etc,it’s almost as if they’re looking for any excuse to get rid of them,even though some have given between 15 and 20 years service,the same goes for some of the younger ones (driver’s in their 50’s and I include myself in that) it’s almost like they want rid of anyone that isn’t able to lift n shift,work maximum daily and weekly hours,do nights out,and reduce your daily rest to the minimum.
Loyalty appears to count for nothing nowadays!!!
As @WillC says,perhaps a complete change in direction might bare fruit so to speak.


@pootle I don’t think they can either, but I’ve found that there is no loyalty at all with companies, they don’t give a damn about the people who work for them, In the past I’ve been sworn at, threatened and assaulted, I wouldn’t p*** on them if they were on fire.

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@Knight1119 it seems as though companies are hiring young inexperienced staff because they are easily manipulated thus making managers jobs easier because older more experienced personnel won’t stand for their shit and make it difficult for them to cover up mistakes they shouldn’t have made in the first place.


@pootle I totally agree mate, I’ve worked for many useless managers, prats who couldn’t run a bath, when you ask them a tech question they haven’t a clue, f****** idiots.

My work ‘can’t’ allow me a day off to give my blood stem cells as a donor!
How is this ok?!

@Delightful87 that’s such a shame. I guess it depends on your contract, my work allow my one day a year to go give blood on full pay. But my manager is super reasonable and let’s me go every 3 months when I should and will let me away earlier if that’s the only appointment I can get.

That’s shocking.

That is so unfortunate and short sighted by your employer. Hopefully they will not be the ones that want stem cells in the future. What sort of job do you do? Good for you for trying, it is so worth while.

I’m in the education sector. But not a teacher! So I’m very much replaceable for the day :roll_eyes:

So frustrating! I turned down becoming a magistrates judge for similar reasons and now this. I just like to give back to the community as and when I can.

I give blood on my own time every three months, I’m on the organ donor list, I’ve previously donated my eggs, donated breast milk and I just feel deflated.

I thought the education sector cared!


Wow that is pretty disgraceful! @Delightful87
Your employers certainly don’t sound at all flexible :confused:

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Doing rubbish on Cheltenham, not won a penny so far. How’s everyone else doing?

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That’s awful @Delightful87 :slightly_frowning_face:, sending hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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