Rape Dreams

I apologise if anyone has any problems with this thread, I don't think it's breaking the rules and I don't know where else could find such an open minded and helpful bunch of people, so here goes. After talking with a few people about nightmares, I have yet to find someone who has had similar reoccuring nightmares.

Does anyone, or has anyone here, had a dream where they were raped? And if so, how do/did you go about dealing with it so it doesn't/didn't effect your day to day life?

As you can imgine it's quite a distressing dream to be stuck with, so if anyone has any advice...

Thanks :)


I have the odd dream where this happens, but I think for me it might be different, since I wake up feeling excited, aroused and wanting more. But then forced sex is one of my fantasies.

I assume from the words you've used that you're not happy about these dreams - maybe the place to start is with a conversation with your doc to access some from of therapy?

Hi NMK, I was thinking the same as Subby. I think maybe some form of therapy may be helpful to you. Definitely talk to your Dr, and potentially investigate hypnotherapy & Neuro Linguistic Programming. I used to suffer with terrible night terrors (not the same subject) many years ago, so I know now awful you are feeling Sweetheart. Sending lots of hugs Hun xxx

I have had one rape dream that I still haven't forgotten. When it does reoccur I cuddle closer to my hubby and just pray it goes away. As for my everyday life, it doesn't bother me that badly because I completely ignore it and it gets buried deep in my mind.

SS - I'm really not happy about these dreams!

My GP referred me to a counseller for something else a little while ago and I mentioned it to them, and they just said to keep a dream diary and it might help. It hasn't :/ I think I might try talking to my GP when I got back in a couple of weeks then.

Thank you :)

Good luck :)

Naughty Miss K wrote:

SS - I'm really not happy about these dreams!

My GP referred me to a counseller for something else a little while ago and I mentioned it to them, and they just said to keep a dream diary and it might help. It hasn't :/ I think I might try talking to my GP when I got back in a couple of weeks then.

Thank you :)

*hugs NMK* I hope something will make the bad dreams go away for you hun x

Psychotherapy may be the best way to go, you're counsellor can refer you. They analyse dreams and their relation to your unconscious and try to get to the root of the problem

I use to have re-occurring rape nightmares because of my ex.
(But I'm not going to go into it on here)
Anyway I only get them about 1/2 times a month now, they are getting easier but they do make me very scared and frightened, lucky for me Jason's very good at dealing with them.

I would try to see a therapist that specialises it that sort of thing if I was you hun.
Good luck babes. Xx

I used to get them often, although (without revealing too much) I never called them dreams, more flashbacks. They got worse when I was with my ex, I would wake up screaming and crying and not be able to get back to sleep.

I've had one or two since I've been with my oh but no clue why they stopped (really glad they did) I put it down to feeling safer.

Counseling may help for you, it might at least get to the reason you're getting them xx

Huge thank you to everyone reading and replying to this - it really does make a big difference. Just knowing I'm not some kind of monster for having them has helped me to feel a little less....used? dirty? the next day. It's by no means fixed, but I managed to go out without thinking every knew and was looking at me funny and judging me, like it was written on my forhead.

And I hope for everyone who has said they have experienced similar unpleasentarys, they either stop soon and stay stoppped x