Rather upset with Amazon

I just tried to put an order on Amazon only to find out I will not be able to order from Amazon again. Reason? They removed the 3 digit number on the back of your card from the information of the cards. Unfortunately my bank requires this and so I am stuck. With no chance to buy from Amazon again.

Anyone having the same problem with ordering from Amazon?

This is news to me. Then again, I have a saved debit/credit card information on Amazon, so I never have to enter any of that information. I only placed an order beginning of this week and it was fine.. delivery was late - but no problem with payment as far as I could tell. Have you contacted their customer service department? For all their faults, whenever i've had to contact someone at CS, they've normally been pretty helpful.

I did and they told me I have 2 options:

1 contact my bank if this is necessary

2 go and get another card. no, thanks.

And it is new. I placed order earlier this week (Monday), but I cannot do it again today. The card is working, there is more than enough money for the 4 dollars order (ebook) and I did not reach any limit on it. So the only thing coming to my mind is this!

I had the card saved, but as they apparently removed this from it, it just stopped accepting it anymore.

I am going to check with my bank tomorrow I guess. To see if there is a problem and how I should approach it.

And Amazon said they are now using different types of authentication, one which does not require these 3 digits. if my bank will insist on these, the only solution would be using another card/bank, which does not have these requirements.

Laveila wrote:

I just tried to put an order on Amazon only to find out I will not be able to order from Amazon again. Reason? They removed the 3 digit number on the back of your card from the information of the cards. Unfortunately my bank requires this and so I am stuck. With no chance to buy from Amazon again.

Anyone having the same problem with ordering from Amazon?

I don't order from there simply because they don't accept Paypal. :/

I take it you can't get around this using Google wallet or something similar?

I havent thought about google wallet, tbh.

As for Amazon not using paypal. Yes I admit I cannot say I like that. But I am used to eshops not taking paypal. as most of the eshopes here dont. I was pleasantly surprised when my favourite ebooks shop started to accept it in summer 2013. Tbh its up to date one of 2 eshops in this country where I could use paypal. One retailer selling electronics started to accept it in last few months because in October, when I was replacing broken mouse, they still did not have paypal option.

So fingers crossed this option will spread here too.