Realistic Dildo Recommendations

Thanks for that :ok_hand:t2::blush:

@JR_Lisa I can recommend what @Rachel_sometimes says as well. I have one and it “fits” me perfectly :wink:
You’ll see it in my profile header image x

Nice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: thanks for your help xx

We have few of vixen toys, there are expensive but my wife loves them. And we would recommended them above other toys. We have a few other dildos but the vixen toys are on different level.

  1. Maverick is big, but she’s says it feels amazing .

  2. Mustang, she’s says it’s feel like my cock, and loves the way it’s feel warmed up.

  3. Colossus, it’s super girthy; warm it up in warm water before.

For us, so far, Vixen looks and feels fantastic.

Thanks very much for your help, I’ll check them out :ok_hand:t2: