Return Sticker Issue

So first of all it's good to be back!!! I'm very excited to start writing reviews again, I have a big backlog of items!

I was writing to inform you of a recent issue I had returning an item. I bought the LH Basix 10 inch dong back in December, it had remained unused and I intended returning to get a different size. I kept postponing this until Thursday night last week. I apologise for the length of my post bbut I'm quite excited to share my experience! I'll include a Too Long; Didn't Read (TL;DR) at the bottom.

I spoke to Sarya on LiveChat to double check my situation. She was very helpful and also very lovely to talk to! She told me everything was in order and I just had to box it back up in what it came in, pop the sticker on and go to the post office the next day. It took me a while too pack that night because the box was full of lots of other stuff (including a riding crop that was quite long). Eventually I had my box taped up, by the backdoor and ready to go.

I woke up last the next day a little late, got ready in a pinch and left in just enough time to swing by the post office before work. I always walk as I live about 2 mile away so I got some funny looks carrying a large, brown box with me. I got to the post office on time and waited in the queue. I was checking the time anxiously every 30 seconds as it was running close. Eventually I'm called to the front by a tired looking postal worker who looks at me a bit suspiciously, asks me to put the package on the scales then called me over to a larger hatch to pass it over. She mumbles some stuff about lengths and some random codes to her colleages before returning and telling me that the box is too long to use an r48 returns sticker and that I should ask the company (you guys) to send me a different one.

Immediately I was in a state of confusion. I had no plan whatsoever of what to do in this situation. I did not have enough time to get back home so I ended uphaving to take the package with me to work. Goodness gracious, the number of times my heart skipped a beat when people asked me what was in the package. I felt like it was burning a hole in my hand the longer I held it, as if someone would come up to me and demand I unpack it in front of them (I now understand where irrational fears come from). I managed to find a corner in a reasonably unused room to leave it throughout the day so I could pick it up afterwards to avoid the awkward questioning. After work finished I rushed home as fast as I could, took everything out of the box, and stuffed it into another, much smaller box that I thankfully had kept from a previous LH package (I was using it as inconspicuos storage in a cupboard so I'll have to find a replacement now). I used a hairdryer to melt the glue and lift up the return sticker and put it on the smaller box. After a quick run around with tape and a sprint back to the post office I thankfully managed to get it away the same day.

In my rush of throwing packing paper (and a dildo) around the room I forgot to put my note of return and shipping information into the new package. Thankfully the returns team was so on point they didn't need any of it.

All in all it was a very novel and amusing expereince, and at least I got a good story out of it.

I understand it may be a monetary issue to supply stickers that cover larger boxes but it would be good to inform customers that they have to use a smaller box when returning to save them all the hassle I've been through!

TL;DR: Return sticker r48 I was sent didn't cover the length of the box (85cm) it was sent in.

Oh, I think I would have just assumed that the sticker would have covered it.

Good you got it sorted. LH customer service win again!