Role-Play Generator

Dr Who and the CentaurIans

Diggity-ding, diggity-ding, diggity-ding, diggity-ding. Oooo-eeeee-ooooo…

“Here we are. The CentaurIan homeworld at the height of their second civilisation. This was the Golden Age of their sexual revolution, and they’d created a near perfect fuck-topia. It is an excellent place for a dirty weekend. Polly, grab your toga and the picnic basket. And don’t forget the multipack of Quavers. We’re going to need those”

“This may seem like a stupid question, Doctor, but who are the CentaurIans?”

“Crikey! I forget how galactically parochial you humans are. Let’s talk and walk… The CentaurIans are a proud warrior-sex people, who physically resemble a sort of mix of a horse and a chimp from your planet. Their ways can be somewhat opaque, and you may find them oddly willful, but their dicks are magnificent!”

“Oh! What about the women?”

“The women’s are the biggest! And they taste like creme eggs! Come on then. Let’s hurry up. I’ve made plans to meet a friend at the Pump-t-Hump in town.”

“Oh Doctor. You really do look fabulous! Your armour looks just like a proper Roman General!”

“Yes. I suppose it does. It’s actually the traditional CentaurIan garb of a Milker. I was gifted it last time I was here. Well, I say ‘gifted’, it was more ‘awarded’ due to the fact that I’m gifted. Haha!”

“What am I wearing?”

“You, my dear, are wearing a table cloth. I’m hoping it will suffice.”

“Well, this sounds like it should be fun!”

“Ah! Here’s Pa-Chi T’w-Hat now. Hello my friend! You look magnificent! It’s been too long!”

(That’s what I’ve got so far. I’ll have to add the sonic screwing in a bit :slightly_smiling_face:)


Oh this amazing and so funny!

And you’ve even managed to make it Easter related!



I’ll take the Hell’s Angel and Caveman as I prefer to keep my relationship with my horse non-sexual, we’re just good friends :+1:. Lovely to see Pa-Chi T’w-Hat’s part enlarging in your narrative though @Ian_Chimp :rofl:.

The Biker and the Cave Women

My tag is Spasm, I’m bald and an ex called me a Solar Powered Sex Machine (SPSM). People who meet me for the first time think I’m epileptic or something, I’m not, but the name stuck and I’m not adverse to showing any lovely lady who wants a ride on my machine just how hard and fast and long I can go.

I live to jettison the open road, my Harley is called Taylor because she’s Swift and it’s the only way I’m going to ride… well, you get the idea.

A slow night had ended, the boys were on form but I wasn’t feeling it so I was cruising back along the highway, now I might have had one or two beers at the bar but I wasn’t smashed, knew I was safe to ride… except, I wasn’t prepared for what came next; a Sliders wormhole thing opened up right ahead of me. I swerved, caught a rock and the next thing I know me and Taylor are eating asphalt and scorching through the event horizon.

Woke up with a pounding head and no sign of that asphalt highway. I was up on a grassy hill but down below me I could see a blazing fire surrounded by a mammoth spreading of deep fur skins and to my total wonderment more women than I could count, not clad in loin cloths, in fact not clad in anything at all but each the spitting image of Raquel Welch in the iconic poster from my youth, strong, lithe, wild and naked and all thoroughly enjoying each other’s company and yet not a man in sight.

Suddenly my headache was gone, I headed down… (edited to not compromise rules - use your imagination…)

Well, now I’m stuck in the past, there’s no gas for Taylor and yet I don’t think I’m going to miss riding her at all! Hell, turns out I’m the missing link :rofl:


@discobot roll 2d120

:game_die: 5, 111

Farmer and Stablehand…

Me a Nurse :man_health_worker: and him a police officer :policewoman:

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:rofl: No role play - They’re both me! Is this just a tale of masturbation?!

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I might be able to do this one as an episode of Peitho’s Homestead. :slightly_smiling_face:

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:joy: Go for it :+1:

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@discobot roll 2d120

:game_die: 75, 14

Milk/food delivery and journalist :thinking:

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“Good morning madam. I’m from the Upper Throppington Gazette, and I have a few questions regarding your milk deliveries if you have a moment?”

“Now isn’t a great time.”

“Madam. My sources tell me you’re operating an off-the-books breast-milk scam, and that up to half your ‘product’ has never even been in the same room as a cow. Would you like to comment before I take this to my editor?”

“If you print that I’ll be ruined! Is there some way to make you forget about this… A personal tasting session perhaps… From the source?”

“You know what. Yeah. Go on then.” *chucks notebook away*

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Incredibly this was the same kind of scenario I was debating! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ah rats. I thought I’d gone with something you wouldn’t pick. I have a feeling yours will be better. :slightly_smiling_face:

I doubt that very much :joy:

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I’m going to wait for the kids to go back to school and dust off my lego. :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, I’m going it be greedy and roll another… :partying_face:

@discobot roll 2d120

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:game_die: 69, 82

Estate Agent and Vet? :thinking:

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