Romantic surprises

Do you appreciate if a partner did a candles and rose petals night anywhere in the house etc like bubble bath etc :rose:


Oh yes - sounds wonderful- love a good deep bath - makes me feel so relaxed :lovehoney_heart:


Are we talking shared or alone!! Have a rose petals trail leading up to the bath as you come in from work

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OMG that would be an absolute dream!!!


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Hey @TomThomas I think I would, but it would depend somewhat on my mood how much.

Just for your info, I’ve edited your post to remove the references to girls and guys to make it open to all forum members :blush:

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I appreciate you thank you, see things like that deserves romantic nights in :heart_eyes:

Would it have to be on a night away then?

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:purple_heart: thank you, happy to help :blush:

I’m not a big relationship person, long distance or FWB tends to work for me.

The thought of living with a partner and being in each other’s space all the time makes me physically uncomfortable, I need my own space.

That could well be influenced by my autism, but I don’t know for sure.

As much as I love the idea of romance and reading about it, whether it’s right for me, I don’t know.

I genuinely don’t know if I would be flattered and love it, or would end up thinking about the mess and the cost and stuff instead :woman_shrugging:t2:

i sure would as never had anyone be romantic to me before! :see_no_evil:

I’m lucky to have a deep double bath - takes ages to fill but omg it’s great with the 2 of us in it - but seriously relaxing when alone :bath:t2:

Making me more jealous :confused: @batjamboree

I’d like a gesture, but that specific example wouldn’t do it for me.

@JoCat a hotel room instead?

It would be closer to what I’d like, but I don’t like traditional hotels, hearing people walk passed my room and knowing they’re all so close gives me the heebies.

I’d like to think my partner would know exactly what would make me feel loved.

Are you asking for suggestions?

@JoCat I would say then like an Airbnb in the country or a private place not connected in a hotels grounds

Yeah, but then thats where the serial killers be hiding :upside_down_face::man_shrugging:t2:

@JoCat The man should keep you safe