Romantic Gestures

OK I'm actually quite shocked I can't find anything on here, where has all the romance gone? Or am I a hopeless dreamer?!!

What romantic gesture have you done for someone?


Haha, I struggle to think of one! My excuse is that I'm a girl, and it's my OH's job to be romantic for me!

We're not really a romantic couple though. All the romantic things involve sex in some form or another.

We sat on the back row in the cinema when we went, just to say we did! I think that's the best I can do lol.

Recently; not enough. Hubby presented me with cookies and a box of choclates this morning though. 2 bunches of flowers (red roses and pink/ white tulips) a couple of days ago...and ran me a bath tonight!! Ye gods... I sound like such a selfish, neglectful wife don't I? However (minor triumph) I did manage to swallow a bit this eventide :) yay!!

Awww. That's so sweet!! Hehe, I got surprise leather, silk lined gloves (part of christmas) this morning :)

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

My sentiments, full heartedly. There should be more of this here. Good on you for getting the ball rolling. With my partner & I our relationship is temporarily an LDR at the moment because of my studies. So for me, the gesture was sending little somethings through the postal service and waking her up with smoochie phone calls. I also nudges her towards spending a night with her pals after we last parted. She has bought me a really awesome ale that she knows I'd like. I cant wait for it to arrive.

Oh! Ales, whiskeys etc I do..and dried fruit..or things I see that make me think of him. Don't think I'd appreciate being woken up with early morning phone calls though. I..I only woke him up with ranty political ones at silly times..or philosophy..

Nexas wrote:

I'm a really romantic guy ^_^'

Off the top of my head, there was one point where my then girlfriend and I stopped in line at a cashpoint. When she got to the front I snuck into the flower shop we were outside and bought some flowers (leaving the change so as to be fast) and stood behind her again with a bunch of flowers.

She turned around from the cashpoint and I gave her the flowers. She was overjoyed.

Aww, that's so sweet! I'd love it if my OH did that. I love him for who he is and know it's just not him to do stuff like that. Maybe I should nag him a bit lol.

Nexas wrote:

Heh, see, I'm really romantic but...can be a bit of an animal at times too ;-)

Problem is, a lot of women recently have told me romance sucks for them. They don't LIKE it. I'm too nice, too romantic, too gentlemanly...They don't get to the bedroom stage LOL

Good balance there, and although many women don't appreciate it there are e qually many (such as Ecks, M&S and myself that love it. Also pays off in the bedroom!)

Ooh, I'm a bit funny about cut flowers (I'm like Mrs Madrigal in "Tales of the City" - I associate them with illness and death!) - I once made Gee take a bunch back that he suddenly presented to me on a street and get a refund. I know that sounds mean, but I'm a bit phobic about it, sorry .

Gee and I have never been ones for romantic gestures - maybe we're just a bit too cynical or practical or summat. I do have this enduring fantasy of being swept off my feet and carried off into the sunset a la Richard Gere in An Officer and A Gentleman but with my size, I'd have to be dating Hellboy for that to ever happen

I've said this elsewhere, but when I first met Elcano it was April 08. He mentioned during our first dinner date that he'd been on his own the previous Christmas and hadn't had any presents or a proper dinner etc etc. I thought that was really sad! So a week after we met I surprised him with Christmas Day - on 24th April! He came home and I made him close his eyes (making out I'd cooked spag bol but set table romantically and wanted him to keep his eyes closed). Then I pressed 'play' on stereo and first line of "Have yourself a Merry little Christmas" played. I said "Open your eyes!" and I'd decorated the room and put a tree up. I'd got fake snow flakes on the window. He had presents under the tree and a stocking. I'd cooked dinner (lamb as he'd said it was one of his faves) with trimmings and we had trifle for dessert. I got hold of mince pies, crackers and a friend of mine that makes cards made him a special Christmas card with his name on the front from me I'd also borrowed "A Muppet's Christmas Carol" and a Christmas episode of "Only Fools and Horses" (one of his faves!) so we watched a bit of those after dinner and present opening. Then I washed everything up the next day when he was at work.

I think we both do little things for each other all the time though. He cleaned my puke up the other day when I was ill and I actually think that's quite romantic LOL Not in a flowers and candles kinda way but in a very real caring and loving way, you know?

Me and the OH had a talk about flowers and how we cant see the point in killing plants like that. I'd much rather have a plant that lasts that I can look at in days and weeks to come, and I told him I like cacti, so he might buy me one of those one day lol.

Elcano got me some yellow roses not too long after we got together and he got me some red tulips last Valentine's Day - I like flowers Tulips and sunflowers are two of my favourites. Cheap and cheeful, just like me Nah, they remind me of seeing them in the garden as a child and just make me smile.

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

Ecksvie wrote:

Me and the OH had a talk about flowers and how we cant see the point in killing plants like that. I'd much rather have a plant that lasts that I can look at in days and weeks to come, and I told him I like cacti, so he might buy me one of those one day lol.

Will you care for that cactus, or will it die a slow death in the British climate?

I suck at looking after cacti, I'm never sure whether to water them or not!

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

Hmm... Richard Gere might have a rodent up his bum as he swaggers off into the sunset. He's a bit odd like that, rumour has it.

Well I like 'em odd EWM External Media And who says I'd not be the one to do it! You have your fantasies, I have mine.

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

Ecksvie wrote:

ExtraWrongMint wrote:

Ecksvie wrote:

Me and the OH had a talk about flowers and how we cant see the point in killing plants like that. I'd much rather have a plant that lasts that I can look at in days and weeks to come, and I told him I like cacti, so he might buy me one of those one day lol.

Will you care for that cactus, or will it die a slow death in the British climate?

I suck at looking after cacti, I'm never sure whether to water them or not!

You never "water" them like you would a flower (daffoldil or whatever). You occasionally spray them with a mist. And you give them plenty of sun. As long as the flowers are not wild flowers and they have been grown specifically for cutting, then get them I say. If you fly over the Scilly Isles in a helicopter, it is mostly covered with tulips. Pick up a bit of saffron while you're there.

My bedroom is north facing, so I'm kinda buggered there! :P

I know flowers are very cliche, it's mostly the fact the hubby is the only man ever to buy me flowers (other than my dad after a particularly nasty exam). So it's only something HE gave me:) I don't often get roses, particularly not red ones, as I prefer bright and scented things or unusual ones that show thought. I was given 'grumpy but gorgeous' pyjamas at one point because I was being horrible and it completely broke the storm lol. Plants are more usual but it's him that likes them (so I bring home reduced plants). The only plants I can keep alive are orchids and food producing things.

Rowan wrote:

I know flowers are very cliche, it's mostly the fact the hubby is the only man ever to buy me flowers (other than my dad after a particularly nasty exam). So it's only something HE gave me:) I don't often get roses, particularly not red ones, as I prefer bright and scented things or unusual ones that show thought. I was given 'grumpy but gorgeous' pyjamas at one point because I was being horrible and it completely broke the storm lol. Plants are more usual but it's him that likes them (so I bring home reduced plants). The only plants I can keep alive are orchids and food producing things.

My OH is the only person who buys me sex toys, so that works for me!

WandA had flowers sent to me our first valentines together as we were in a long distance relationship, he's also (over the years) bought me a dozen red roses, taken me to see Swan Lake on Ice, and other mushy stuff like that.

But to me, the most romantic things are the little thoughtful things, like when he gives my aching body a squeeze. When he buys me things like maltesers (which I have an obsession with) and checks my straightners are switched off before he leaves the house (I still have a touch of OCD from when I was a child). It's romantic when he lets me wear his hat when it snows even though he told me before we left the house to bring my own. It's romantic when he helps me pick an outfit that makes me feel super sexy and he takes me shopping for clothes even though he hates clothes shopping. It's romantic when he looks at me in that loving way and tells me I'm beautiful. It's romantic when he proof reads my essays for me. It's romantic when he lets me sleep on his side of the bed with me and barely complains when he inevitably ends up hunched up in the corner. It's romantic when he sees how in love with *that* dress I am that when I can't afford it he'll go halves with me even though the only benefit he gets from it is the confidence it gives me.

I think the little things mean so much more than all the big romantic gestures and I love that me and my fella appreciate each other and do little thoughtful things for each other on a daily basis ....I'd rather that than getting one or two big gestures every so often.


AWww hear hear AdnaW!

AWww hear hear AdnaW!

Awwww Nex and Columbus you've made me go all warm and fuzzy! That's exactly what I'm on about! How the hell did you find mince pies in april?!!! Amazing!

I love romance!!! Just need some more in my life!! In 8 years I get the odd soppy poem he's found on the net in a valentine card! Don't get me wrong we make each other laugh constantly and give each other presents etc, but it's a gesture I'm after!!! I'm an old fashioned lady! Will get dropping hints!
