Secrets and OH

Re Alastors post (sorry can't quote on my phone)

I don't think that anyone can deny that people cheat on their partners but just because it happens doesn't make it right otherwise they wouldn't be lying about it.
Perhaps you are right and there are those out there that should think twice before making promises to devote themselves to one person but when they choose to and then go against it it can be devastating.
The reason you get so many responses saying cheating is wrong is because those people truly believe that when you are in a committed monogamous relationship going behind your partners back is just plain wrong if you realise you can't commit then maybe you shouldn't be in that relationship at all.

Open relationships are an entirely different matter. if you choose to be with other people with your partners knowledge and the other people are aware and its what you both want then it will work. Being open and honest is part of what makes any relationship strong.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your comments, unanimously telling me what an utter bitch I have been being and making me see straight.

So update from yesterday, BF is well and truely dumped, decided time to concentrate on Hubby! Think even though he isnt exactly in the best state for sex, I should give him at least some other treats to let him know I do actually care and was having a totally mad an selfish moment?

What do you think folks?

I just hope you were using protection .last thing your poor husband needs in his condition is a sexually transmitted infection.
P.s if this is a serious post and you don't want you husband knowing what a cheat his wife and how she openly discussed it online then I would advise you remove your profile picture. After all you don't know who else could be on here that you know

Thanks Good point, not having posted on this kind of thing before hadnt really thought about the pic!

Just wanted to comment on an adorable kitten.

That's another thing that cheers me up. The existence of cats.

Alastor wrote:

Just wanted to comment on an adorable kitten.

That's another thing that cheers me up. The existence of cats.

Drat. That was meant to have a quote of naughty stacey's avatar tgat shows the kitten. Doh!

Lou22 wrote:

Open relationships are an entirely different matter. if you choose to be with other people with your partners knowledge and the other people are aware and its what you both want then it will work. Being open and honest is part of what makes any relationship strong.

Be that as it may, it's reasonably rare for two individuals to be in total agreenment over such matters and far more complicated than people ever consider. Even in this day and age — where less emphasis is apprently placed on monogamy — it's highly likely one person in the "open relationship" will want it more than the other. There could be plentiful reasons why the lesser would aquiesce to the proposer's arrangement, but doubtlessly not because it's something they truly would like.

Mr Socks wrote:

Lou22 wrote:

Open relationships are an entirely different matter. if you choose to be with other people with your partners knowledge and the other people are aware and its what you both want then it will work. Being open and honest is part of what makes any relationship strong.

Be that as it may, it's reasonably rare for two individuals to be in total agreenment over such matters and far more complicated than people ever consider. Even in this day and age — where less emphasis is apprently placed on monogamy — it's highly likely one person in the "open relationship" will want it more than the other. There could be plentiful reasons why the lesser would aquiesce to the proposer's arrangement, but doubtlessly not because it's something they truly would like.

True. Even in poly relationships there are usually "rules" or "guidelines" set by all involved and you can still cheat on each other. The cheating lies in the breaking of a rule/guideline or promise you have made between yourselves. For example maybe they agree to only have relationships online (then one does it for real) maybe they agree that they only sleep with certain people (and one sleeps with another) maybe they agree to only sleeping with one sex (and the other breaks that promise) maybe they agree that any new relationships must be vetted by all involved before that person sleeps with them (and that doesn't happen) etc etc and on and on.

Cheating is less about the act and more about the deception, the "breaking of the rules" you set together and the lying and hiding things and breaking your partners express wishes.

Definitely awful. Cheating is cheating. If the positions were reversed would you be happy that he was off fucking a colleague while you were in hospital recovering from an injury.

IrishChris wrote:

Definitely awful. Cheating is cheating. If the positions were reversed would you be happy that he was off fucking a colleague while you were in hospital recovering from an injury.

couldnt have said it better myself

rubysoho wrote:

IrishChris wrote:

Definitely awful. Cheating is cheating. If the positions were reversed would you be happy that he was off fucking a colleague while you were in hospital recovering from an injury.

couldnt have said it better myself

If people are open an honest with all their sexual partners, I don't care what they do - consenting adults and all that. Cheating, however, makes me feel sick. Really horrid thing to do to another person.

Alastor wrote:

Alastor wrote:

Just wanted to comment on an adorable kitten.

That's another thing that cheers me up. The existence of cats.

Drat. That was meant to have a quote of naughty stacey's avatar tgat shows the kitten. Doh!

That was our first cat together, name of Fish. :D

Good luck rebuilding Secretary Clairey.

I think the main thing to address is why you are prepared to do something for some random guy but refuse to do it for your husband, he was trying to freshen things up and you wouldnt.

IrishChris wrote:

rubysoho wrote:

IrishChris wrote:

Definitely awful. Cheating is cheating. If the positions were reversed would you be happy that he was off fucking a colleague while you were in hospital recovering from an injury.

couldnt have said it better myself

If people are open an honest with all their sexual partners, I don't care what they do - consenting adults and all that. Cheating, however, makes me feel sick. Really horrid thing to do to another person.

exactly the point I was trying to make last nbight, not sure I quite found the right words

Hopefully can try and make things right with hubby with this when it arrives tomorrow:

You can't change what you've done, no matter how much you may regret it. Cheating is awful. If things went stale then as many people said, you could have went away waith your husband to a hotel and rediscovered each other, if yous were both sexually happy with each other then it would tend to bring you closer together in the relationship. Things going stale probably happens in every couples life at some point, if it's not dealt with then it can lead to resentment and looking for excitement elsewhere. The fact you wore those stockings may have been to please your new man but also hurt your husband. Given we dont know all the facts and only reading from what you've said it's hard not to feel sorry for your husband and feel you were totally wrong. All I can say is dont stay with your husband for the wrong reasons, if you do love him, then help him back to full health and then start to take things from there, talk about your sex life. I hope he gets better soon and yous can patch things up. Plenty of toys on here to help create the spark again. Hope it works out in the end for you.

Hey Claire-sorry my email is down. If you still want to talk let me know here

I like that Claire its super sexy

Yes it's awful and it's only fun because its a secret, it's not real, you are just living out some fantasy.

if you don't want your husband then leave. If you do want him, then stop being silly and but the time and effort into sorting out what the problem is with your marriage. There must be an underlying problem or you wouldn't be doing this.

communicate with hubby!!

My mum has always told me that you can lie to everyone you love but you can not lie to yourself. So regardless if we or anyone you know thinks what you are doing is wrong, it only matters if you can truthfully say to yourself that its fine. And I am not sure anyone would.