Selling Mens boxers?!?

I have seen and heard the huge amount of people selling used ladies underwear on various sites, but I was wondering whether there was anyone interested in used mens underwear? I know that when I am at work I can sweat through a pair of Calvins!

So I was wondering whether or not people had the same fetishs for boxers as other people might have for thongs? It would be interesting to hear if anyone has had any experiences?

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There is a market for everything nowadays so I imagine there would be buyers. It's just trying to find that market, Google I am sure will help you find that.

In fact you could well be a genius. Not only would you be making money but you would never have to wash another pair of boxers!!!

There is a market out there for guys underwear, but womens is far more popular.

Yes if you have a Google a load come up. Adverage is around £15 a pair.. so really time you buy a pair of Calvin's I don't think it would really be worth it. You would be spending more than you would selling.

I think mine would only be good for the incinerator after a hot days work, not sure anyone would want to pay for that :)

Awesome, thanks for you replies everyone!