Sex and Periods

Just wondering do you indulge during that time of the month? Personally we don't, I feel too self conscious, worry about any mess and I feel more sensitive during that time.

Neither do I. I don't feel sexy at all! X

Well, we have tried in the past, but it gets too messy, we should always be careful where and how and it is too much of a hassle. So, I don't like it and now we always wait till I am 'clean'.

We don't! I'm not a big fan of mess & it's just so uncomfortable to begin with my OH knows to steer well clear lol!

We normally don't, I just take something in the shower with me but if we reaaally want to we'll use a condom

We dont either, nor the 3 or 4 days before hand cos im a right hormonal cow lol

I wouldn't be comfortable having sex during my period but I do get very interested in sex/watching erotica at this time and enjoy massaging my clit through my underwear. My breasts also get quite sensitive but as it's not painfully so it's part of the experience.

No we don't have sex when I'm on, the thought freaks my oh out and I'm so sore and sensitive that I wouldn't enjoy it at all either!

Luckily for me I haven't had my period for aggess, I've been on the pill for around 5 years and have had a period about twice in that time :D

I once was really horny and my OH and I had sex and there was a little blood at the end :/ I was bleeding the tiniest bit and didn't even realise, luckily he didn't freak. Turns out I was really horny coz it would have been my 'time of the month' lol. Other than that I would never (if i knew i was on) have sex during my time of the month xx

We wouldn't normally but I had a could inserted 2.5 months ago and I have been bleeding ever since. So we have to do it in the show etc otherwise there would be no sex at all !

I have the mirena coil so haven't had to worry about periods for the last 4 years, but when I did have them, I had sex on my period occasionally. It wasn't the mess that stopped me really, it was the pain. My cervix and vagina seemed to be swollen and sensitive and sex was not completely comfortable so I often didn't unless we were super in the mood.

Hmm, guess I'm gonna be the odd one out here.

I get very bad cramps and they can last up to two days. While paracetamol helps after about 30 minutes, I still feel crummy and the medicine only lasts an hour.

I find a little masturbation really helps budge cramps, especially if they're keeping me up at night.

I do have to wash up well afterwards though, of course.

I don't have sex but I do find masturbation helps my cramps :) just nothing internal for me x

Well, we certainly do. In fact, it is due to be my partner's heaviest day tomorrow, and we have arranged to have the whole night free for some jammy sex. We love it. She is very very sensitive down there, and she screams much louder and cums much harder than she usually does.

Yes, there is a bit of mess, but we have a routine with towels on the bed etc, so it is fine really.

She never liked it with a previous partner, because he always judged her. I don't, and she has found she loves it (probably as much as I do).

I actually started a thread on this when I joined LH! :)

We don't, on account of how grossed out I am, but it is probably when I'm the most horniest!! As a last resort we will have sex in the shower now, but it's hard because he's nearly a foot taller than me.

We do because I seem to be really horny at that point! Can see why others wouldn't like it though.

we have done and if not too heavy I have been known to also go down.

but all depends how wife is feeling x

We do its when my gfs at her most horniest and the mess ain't to bad if it is we just have a shower.

I used to with my ex, I was lucky and found he didn't have a problem with it, as it really did help with the cramps (I get them 3 of the 4 weeks when I'm not on the pill, rather bad ones as well).

I can understand why people don't, we always made sure we had towels down and clean sheets ready :)

Im always rageingly horney when im on its so frustrating!!
we do ocasionalyy do it but mainly avoid it as im always contious but normally do it in the shower wich doesnt bother me at all but im usually feeling unsexy :/