Sex during period

Sex during your period. Do you enjoy vaginal sex, anal sex, no sex ,self loving or all of the above when you have your peiod?

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Iā€™m mega-horny right through my period, so as much vaginal, anal and oral as he wants.


Self loving. Though i have to shove towels down

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Itā€™s never bothered either of us. Itā€™s just another bodily fluid and weā€™ll just chuck a towel down if necessary.

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I can vary from being very horny during my period to feeling bloated and disgusting so just depends I guess :sweat_smile: If Iā€™m feeling horny I tend to initiate more than when Iā€™m not on my period as he obviously doesnā€™t know which one Iā€™m feeling :rofl: Doesnā€™t bother neither of us much, not something a shower canā€™t fix :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: As others have said, we just chuck a towel down that we donā€™t care about getting stained :woman_shrugging:

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Iā€™m also have pretty much the same amount of sex during my period. We might change up the oral position so no-one is drowning in blood, or move to the shower but everything else is pretty manageable.

I want to do it but OH wonā€™t let me anywhere near her vag so Iā€™m only allowed in her back door

Mine are so irregular, but when I am on shark :shark: week Iā€™m super horny :smiling_imp: I just canā€™t keep my hands off hubby, I just want hard, rough and fast sex :joy: Heā€™s more than happy to oblige :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It depends, I sometimes have really bad period pains so I donā€™t want to do anything and sometimes I crave animalistic, rough sex (usually anal).

It doesnā€™t bother hubby, heā€™s happy with carrying on, so itā€™s down to how I feel

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The OH gets very horny, especially towards the end, but head stuff gets in the way of allowing a lot of things to happen when full flow as it were as she thinks itā€™s gross for me.
She knows I think no such thing, itā€™s just natural and old towels/showers etc., soon resolve any issues.
Unfortunately Iā€™m not so lucky as @carzy with back door privilegeā€™s but thatā€™s quite ok, her mindset slowly changes as she realizes sheā€™d have to go some lengths to see me in ā€˜grossed outā€™ stage :smiley:


No not for me on shark week !

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I can get extremely horny just before I come on. Husband doesnā€™t usually mind.Depends on how heavy I am though :+1:

Not for me

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I done all 3 during my period.
Lots of self loving whilst on my period using vibrators!
Had had vaginal sex once on my period a few years ago and it was ALOT more messy than either of us expected. Probs wouldnā€™t do it again unless it was in the shower.
Have had anal sex once when on my period as an alternative but it personally wasnā€™t anything special for me so probs wouldnā€™t do again.

Generally we give any kind of penetration a break during shark week, hands for use on him and him generally just to the boobs. He doesnā€™t have an issue with it but the sight of mess on his mr just isnā€™t for me

I prefer not to on the day before and the first 2 days in as I always feel terribly bloated and belly achey. Iā€™ve noticed that I donā€™t feel any of that since Iā€™ve been off the pill though, so this last period was a free-for-all (except for nice undies). Mine have never been that heavy and I can generally get away with a very light sanitary towel even on ā€œheavyā€ days. Itā€™s the bloat that generally stops things from happening - it makes me 5-7 lbs heavier so nothing looks or feels good.

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Thank you all for your replies. My OH gets horny during her period but if heavy just loves to give me a BJ and/or a tit rub that results in a pearl neclace. If lighter vaginal sex is on. We have tried anal But she is not a big fan as although i am not too long i have a big girth

In the past I saw sex during my period as a bit gross. I then came off the pill and my libido rocketed and now sex during my period is a must have as I donā€™t like going withoutā€¦
We usually throw a towel down and just go for it, though we use condoms (at present but hopefully not for long) so itā€™s a little less messy for him.

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Doesnā€™t really bother me if sheā€™s on her period. Sometimes she wants sex more than ever and sometimes not at all. We donā€™t let her period stop us but will usually put a towel down or play in the shower.

She likes toys in her ass but doesnā€™t do anal since our first and only failed attempt so even thatā€™s not an option.

Her self play is mostly when Iā€™m working away, she says she never sees the point if Iā€™m around to get her off but tells me she tends to focus on her clit if itā€™s that time of the month.

Wife and I used to have sex during that time of month and didnā€™t really bother us to much when we were younger but as we got older we kinda got away from it,