Sex blog

So I've been thinking about starting a sex blog and was wondering if anybody here had experience in this, where is a good place to host blog (eg. blogger, own website, other) and content ideas from you to get started.
There are loads, mostly female from what I've seen, so would want to differentiate as a 34 year old male.

Hey :) just bumping the thread for you.

There are several male bloggers on here.. David, Sum Sub, Graceless and Ruffled Sheets (apologies if I've missed anyone) they might be floating and might u give you advice regarding blogging from a male perspective. Some self host, others use WordPress... I don't blog so can't give u any tips on that bit.

Best of luck on ur adventure, hope u get some help on it x

Also, if you type blogging into the search bar, I'm sure there are old threads that might provide some info for you x

Do check the T&Cs for any hosting site you are going to use. Some specifically ban this sort of thing. Google/Blogger announced recently that they were going to kill off adult blogs. They changed their minds after user complaints, but any content you produce could be vulnerable if the host gets a sudden rush of moral panic to the head. So probably a good idea to back up all your posts offline just in case.