Sex drive through the roof on pill

Hi everyone,

Was wondering if anyone had any advice for dealing with a very high sex drive after starting the pill.

I’m 19 and started taking it a few weeks ago and I’ve been basically non stop masturbaring and shagging since :sob:.

Any tips on how to calm it down?

Hi, don’t knock it @Ellax you are a young lady and it would seem normal to have a high sex drive. As long as you are being careful re sexual health /pregnancy and things are not interfering in your life (work etc) just enjoy it. Believe me in years to come things will calm down and may go the other way (children, menopause)

I can assure you there is nothing wrong with a high sex drive - get it good while you can and enjoy your body

You didn’t say whether you’re on the combined or mini pill? Either way, I found on the combined pill (Ovysmen, specifically) that I was more affectionate (at least, after the first few weeks!), which usually meant more sex. I now take the mini-pill, Noriday, and… yeah, sex on the brain over here. I’ve often said I would flirt with a lamppost if it gave me the time of day :rofl:

I’m 35, so older than you, but by no means “old” :slight_smile:

If I were you, I’d embrace it. Better to want sex than not, right? it’s Masturbation May anyway! Embrace your high sex drive :slight_smile:

That said, if it’s causing you major issues (pain or discomfort, UTIs, bleeding, inability to function, relationship issues etc), it might be worth speaking to your GP and asking to try a different brand. Cerazette gave me heavy periods and non-stop munchies, so there’s definitely a chance that that pill isn’t right for you. Good luck! :slight_smile:

I can’t really say because I have never taken any birth control but my partner just had to stop taking one because of this very fact. For some reason, they stopped making the last one she was on and it did make her periods a little irregular. They switched her to a new one last year and you would think she was a wild animal :laughing: not that either of us cared that much but it threw her so out of whack that she had to stop it. She is in her thirties and after trying to switch to yet another one, she has decided to stop birth control all together. We have talked about it and take the necessary precautions. Soon, probably next year, I’ll get a vasectomy and we won’t have to worry much about it hopefully :crossed_fingers:

Why calm it down? :joy: I say enjoy it and explore things like toys, outfits etc go in with an open mind to new things and you may just find something you didn’t think you’d like :wink:

@Ellax definitely understand your pain haha. I have a high libido also but I’m not on the pill. Not on anything at all. It’s a blessing and a curse at the same time. I’m married so hubby absolutely froths it, sometimes he struggles to keep up with me :joy: Don’t really have any advise as I enjoy having a very high libido. Thought I would just chime in and say you aren’t alone :grin:

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I can understand how this could be a blessing but also a curse, if you cant concentrate on work or important things because you’re so horny!

At your age its pretty normal and a great time of self discovery! Get to know your body.

I seen a thing a while back it was talking about how women were told to never touch themselves and how still to this day its not really discussed and yet the clitoris is there purely for pleasure :tada::sweat_drops: it serves no other purpose!
It compared it to a male penis and refer to that as a multi tool :joy: for peeing, impregnation and of course pleasure both theirs and ours.

So definitely enjoy yourself, make good choices and practice safely.

Carry on regardless for me :joy: enjoy it unless your not

What type of pill are you on? My partner really lost hers when she was on it. She was horny as hell once she stopped taking it.