Sex Life!

Hi guys! Sorry this isnt a interesting post but i really need to clear my head! Ive been in a new relationship for past year (well seeing each other) but together officially 9 months which isnt alot as ive come out of a 5 year relationship. When we was first together our sex was amazing soo much experimenting and passion and constant couldnt keep away from each other! But as you can imagine all that has stopped i would say the past month or two our sex life is practically non existent i know this is expected in relationships but not this early on?! I cant say that im perfect as ive put on a good 3 stone since weve been together and im just worried that he doesnt find me attractive any more :/ i have a high sex drive and it's effecting me alot ive told him how i feel and nothing ever changes, i know sex isnt everything but it seems to be having an impact on our relationship. Just wanted to know if anyone has been through/going through anything simular or any advice will be lovely
Thanks for listening to me xxx

Hellooo ^_^

I've been with my bf for just over 18 months, like you we were obsessed with each other for the first few months, we were having sex up to 9 times a day. After the 4th month things started to slow down, we'd end up having sex once when we seen each other and as things went on it became less frequent and now it's almost non-existent.

It could be down to a lot of things, for us it was because we went back to uni so we weren't seeing each other as often as well as me just simply not wanting to have sex, but it wasn't because I wasn't attracted to him.

I'd suggest you talk to your partner, ask him what he thinks of things & if he has any suggestions, it's a two way thing so communication is essential, you said you've told him how you felt, did he respond to that? See if there is anything that he'd like to try & see if you can get back into experimenting or do little things to surprise him (spontaneous initiations, send him a suggestive photo or text when he's a work or out). I hope things work out for you & I've given somewhat helpful advice xx