Sex toys abroad

How do people take their toys on holiday? Hand luggage or suitcases?

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Suitcase, never had any problems, can’t really imagine there ever should be.


I heard that some places are very strict about it?

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You should always check laws of the place you travel to, this goes for not just toys but others things as well. Some places do have some odd rules that you should be sure to follow. I think few places have laws against sex stuff though.


Egypt is strict in led to believe

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Hand luggage, but our toy bag was opened and searched by a customs lady at Charles De Gaulle airport. She didn’t bat an eyelid and neither did I. I’m sure she’d seen much worse.


I remember my friend telling me in Dubai, he used a cucumber for fun cos toys are banned

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If you’re going to Egypt, don’t take sex toys. It’s an odd one, sex toys aren’t illegal but are not welcome. If found going through customs they will be destroyed (though unlike some very strict countries you’re unlikely to be denied entry to the country and put on the next plane home). Still not worth it in my opinion.

Western countries, where toys are absolutely fine, carry them wherever you’d like to (as long as they can cope with conditions in the hold - I think most are fine). Obviously, take batteries out of the ones you can and travel lock rechargeables. Customs aren’t going to give a toss, if found, hold your head high and don’t be embarrassed.


I take them in both my hand luggage and main suitcase. The expensive ones always stay with me and the ones I can afford to replace go in the main suitcase.

As others have said, make sure you research the country you’re going to. Egypt and Dubai are definitely big no no’s!

If they rummage through your hand luggage, it just gives them a laugh, honestly don’t get embarrassed, it cheers their day up. I had a running joke with one of the employees at my local airport when I used to travel down to Leicester for training years ago :rofl:


Are all toys illegal in Egypt?

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Just be careful to check laws for the country visiting

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