Sexual Happiness Facebook

We're tentatively starting out with a sexual happiness facebook... it's new, it's just starting out and it's here.

Because you're our core followers, we thought we'd show you first and hope you'll 'like' it. We promise it'll get more exciting in the next few weeks, but I can't tell you why

My current favourite thing about it? It says 'Alice Little likes Sexual Happiness' in my stream

Lovehoney Sexual Happiness Facebook Page

Felt a bit shy about publicly liking this until I saw the brilliant words

A satisfying sex life is part of well-being. It's not a naughty, rude or kinky thing people need to be ashamed of, it's happiness

It suddenly seemed obvious and I felt silly for having been shy!

Thank you.

SS xx

Glad to see LH back on facebook.

I can't look because I don't have facebook :(.

SweetSubmission wrote:

Felt a bit shy about publicly liking this until I saw the brilliant words

Yeah, I'll have to stealth it once folk are in bed: like, go to profile, delete liking-ness from feed. Only the people opening their newsfeed in the 0.75 seconds between like and delete get to see! \o/ And those who perv through your 'likes', which in my case are numerous enough to dissuade any but the most dedicated stalkers. :) Wouldn't mind my mates seeing it, but my mother would get all flustered, and my underages nieces/nephews would be too intrigued for anyone's comfort!

I'm not on Facebook but I totally agree with the sentiment of that statement.

I just wish we lived in a more enlightened age where people were more comfortable to discuss this stuff openly. I know I can do it on here but it usually takes a few drinks in me before I'll be open about sex when talking to anyone other than my wife.

Liked - I dont care who see's I like sexual happiness!!!

Ok so I liked - it mentioned I like sexual happiness about half way down my profile and not on the news feed. Just posted a message though -thats on the news feed!

Can I ask why your 'sexual happiness' and not 'Love Honey'?

Eh, my parents and siblings are just going to have to accept that their 40 year old daughter and sister actually *gasp* has sex. And likes it!

i carn't see it as i don't have facebook! i hope it works well for those who use it.

Pixie_Murree wrote:

Ok so I liked - it mentioned I like sexual happiness about half way down my profile and not on the news feed. Just posted a message though -thats on the news feed!

Can I ask why your 'sexual happiness' and not 'Love Honey'?

Unfortunately, Facebook removed Lovehoney some time ago (for no specific reason, and we've yet to find out why). That means that /lovehoney is banned and there is no way we can appeal.

Technically, Facebook state that they will ban you if you mention sex toys or if you run competitions on your Facebook page. Many, many other pages get away with it regardless and we're not sure why we were treated so heavy-handedly.

As they say - once bitten, twice shy - so we're being super careful and have had to come back as 'Sexual Happiness'.

I would love to join FB, but I have nosey cousin there who does search through my profile a lot :-(

Nice to see you back on Facebook. Liked with my Minx O'Army account. Got my son and nieces/nephews on my *vanilla* account and don't want them to see my naughty side. x

Pixie_Murree wrote:

Ok so I liked - it mentioned I like sexual happiness about half way down my profile and not on the news feed. Just posted a message though -thats on the news feed!

You can change who can see your "likes and interest" bit in the profile by changing basic settings or something like that in the Privacy bit to show Only me.

I don't want to bother making another account but I'd like my soon to be in-laws not know about what I get up to. Although receiving a package for lubrication and novelty toys to their address says it all... >.<

Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing what FB has to offer. I didn't get to see the last lovehoney page before it was taken down.

I tried to do it and I cannot even remove it from the news... I had to deactivate the account until I figure it out, as I cannot have my under 18 years old nosey cousins seeing this

Laveila wrote:

I tried to do it and I cannot even remove it from the news... I had to deactivate the account until I figure it out, as I cannot have my under 18 years old nosey cousins seeing this

Laveila click on your page and somewhere along your page should show recent activities where it says "laveila likes sexual happiness" page" or something similar. Click on X alongside it and remove the post. This deletes it from anyone seeing that particular news feed.

Also, go to privacy setting via The account tab on top. On that page you should see "Control basic information your friends will use to find you on Facebook. View settings" <-- Click this and at the bottom of the page has the option of hiding people from seeing your likes and interests.

And it's done!

Also, you'll just have to be aware to delete the newsfeed of posting anything on the page or liking anything from your newsfeed by repeating the first step and deleting it from your page itself. Hope I didn't confuse you.

i will have a look but like the others i dont need friends and youngsters seeing what i like sexually, different on here as people dont know me but on Facebook its friends and family

Thanks.I panicked as FB did not let me delete the post! They just refused the delete the post option until I deactivated and then reactivated which was not nice! Now I have hidden my likes from everyone so my young cousins dont see it.

trouble with hiding the likes it doesnt just hide the one it will hide them all, so i cant really do this as i like others to see what i write and like etc, doesnt stop me having a nose tho just wont be able to interact on it

rach74 wrote:

trouble with hiding the likes it doesnt just hide the one it will hide them all, so i cant really do this as i like others to see what i write and like etc, doesnt stop me having a nose tho just wont be able to interact on it

Yeah, I did prefer to show my other likes up but I don't mind hiding them all, personally.

I'd suggest making a dummy account for Lovehoney. I did have a Twitter account for Lovehoney.. but I really can't seem to work my way round it at all. I hope we'll get to see more things on offer on FB or competitions.