Sexy emoticons

Just a question really, is there any chance of getting some sexy adult emoticons added for use on the forums?

Sounds good! I only use really.

But I'm wondering what they would be?

you could have a drooling one, i do that alot when SG talks bout his cheesecakes! esp when im on a diet lol


I want a spanking one! Possibly also a frowny one.

You could have a lil sign with TMI on ...

Also a wiggly bum!

Ok I just thought about that way too much lol

They all exist, some very naughty blow job ones, all sorts, just needs a computor wiz to locate them and download them on to this some how, but i have no idea how *calling all computor experts*

there are a few examples here

dont think you could have the full on like porno sex ones, as im sure would be against some kind of rules/laws. i mean LH can only sell pornos with an 18

so cant see them have really dirty icons when they cant sell R18 plus could be really off putting to some people and would more then likely get alot more people come here to troll for sex and stuff.

fun and check yes, rude and crude i think no


sexperiment wrote:

there are a few examples here

I think that the 'Smiley erection' one has scarred my mind...!

But in seriousness, I do agree with diamonds, that there would have to be some kind of boundary drawn between what would be termed 'crude', and 'fun'. Your drooling cheesecake comment put a funny image in my head and there was a bit of mad laughter (mad, because everyone else around here is just doing there own thing, then there's me, giggling away to my laptop...). Oh yes, and Mistress Cara, please keep thinking up emoticon ideas - they really are rather good!

My personal fave is the gimp emoticon!

I imagine that the emoticons would have to adhere to the same guidelines as the profile photos, even if they are cartoons and not photos.


Sounds a fun idea - think you've got the right track, diamonds.

Will emoticon Chief Designer and Technical Grande Fromage...

Maybe this has got Design An Emoticon Competition smileyfaced all over it!
