Shave or wax??

MY wife waxes regularly.

She says shaving after a while returns itchy stubble if you dont then shave every other day at more of a 'high maintenance' scenario then the waxing

The good thing about waxing is that the more you do it, the more sparse the hair gets and the less frequent you have to do it. Do NOT get a depilator, though - those monsters HURT!!

Epilator on my legs but then I'm a sadist, fuck it hurts, but then the results last about a month. Personally I just keep the pubic area "tidy" I can't abide the fashion for looking prepubescent. I can't pass for a child with my figure so why would I want to look like I haven't gone through puberty? Once having a full bush was a sign of health and considered a good thing. I've gone hairless on request but quite honestly letting porn dictate what I do with my pubic hair annoys me.

The advantages of a nice bush is you can gently play with pulling the lips around and pubic hair retains a ladys natural scent which I like.

i'm a beauty thearpist and do loads of bilkini wax's quite regular. i think ever1 should try it out just so they know for personally whats BEST FOR THEM. your on the right idea about trying it out before you go on holiday too.

What i would recommend is to look around and choose a good salon! not too expensive or no corner dive! can any1 recommened a place for you? Then book and get it done. i will be truthful and say it does hurt but the more its done the less it hurts as you hair roots become less strong.

Plus in a salon but we do these day in day out so no need to be shy, we know that it's no the most pleasent thing in the world so we get it over with real quick. then you have around 2-4 weeks hair free. the more you wax the longer the time will be as you'll catch you hair cycle. so 2-4 weeks with go to 4-6 weeks.

If you decide to keep it up til your holidays i'd book your waxing for 48hrs before you get on the plane. so all redness can settle. Also never have a big date on the day of you waxing not a good idea! lol

I have a brazilian wax, yes it does hurt but it's really quick and i love the results x


As always I'm in minority, but I adore women who dare to keep it natrual. I find it really sexy and think lot of women would be surprised how many men do. But as always - how comfy you feel yourself is what matters x

My OH always shaves, the only disadvantage with this is that it goes stubbly quickly on the otherhand i suppose if you wax it will just give a smoother finish and proabably last that bit longer but i'd still take your razor incase of any stray hairs

Waxing my legs leaves me bruised and i get a lot of ingrown hairs so i haven't tried it on my more sensitive parts, have you waxed elsewhere to be sure you aren't sensitive to it? since shaving causes serious razor burn unless i go with the grain which results in a not quite close shave, i need to shave quite often. Would shaving often be a chore you'd rahter do without? If so, and you're not sensitive to wax, i'd go with waxing.

Shave - with a venus razor and lube - it gives the closest finish :)

Waxing gives it a much cleaner look, and also takes longer to come back, so hands down wax.

From a former avid shaver of 5 yrs... I k kw have a regular wax booked and have never looked back. in fact I am looking forward to laser treatment sometime soon.

The waxing results are far far better than shaving will ever give. In the short term you are much smoother, and in the long term the hair grows thinner and more sparsely.