So what about legal drugs ?

In for a penny in for a pound, just made an order online..... Will update this thread once order has arrived ;-)

stamford wrote:

My son takes prescribed drugs for ADHD and I was told that if someone took it who is not ADHD then this would have the same effect as Amthetamine, so my give it a go and see what happens


snort it (if you can crush it up) its so good :D! makes you dead happy and wanna tidy up EVERYTHING!! i was in my boyfriends like "wheres the hoover? need to hoover the floor! and look at all this stuff, this needs rearranging. i love tidying!!"

Yes that's the gear.. But in capsule form

Hospital intravenous painkillers, nuff said!

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Local Anesthetic is great too. For years I thought it was normal until a nurse told me I was having an adverse reaction to it after minor surgury. Local Anesthetics contain addrenaline, but the amount of addrenaline in the normal stuff they use on everybody was too much for me and I would feel high. I'd get shakes if I stayed still and after a procedure using local anesthetic, I would take detours on the way home. Often going in to a shop feeling 'munchies' and being really, really spaced out and feeling lost. I'd then go home then crash out in a way I can only describe as 'drug induced' sleep, where you don't feel refreshed, and don't dream, or even move. Just solid crashed out sleep after coming off the high. I'm not given that anymore, I'm given a different type now which has less addrenaline in it and I must say it is lovely to walk out of the dentist or hospital and feel perfectly normal!

This is really interesting, I've never known before of how the adrenaline could affect you. I know if I have a dentists' appointment, the entire day will be a write-off as I will just not manage to do anything else than slop on the sofa and stare at things, preferably TV that requires little or no concentrating and eat stuff and drift in and out of sleep. Might have to look into this in more detail.