Solo play enhancement

Sounds like we are in almost the same position! I believe that life is too short to not give things a go!

@aimee123 Wish you all the best for this. Being male not sure I can provide any practical advice but just keep exploring and trying new things. Never stop talking to your OH.
I can identify very much with your situation(and @valbowski77 ) as my wife has become somewhat vanilla in recent years.

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Could maybe try one of the couples questionnaires like ‘mojoupgrade’ (seem to be a load of copy sites/apps these days). Can be a good way to break the ice and can focus the conversation on any common interests avoiding the disheartening scenario of either saying no.

Caveat… I was in a similar place to you and suggested this to my Mrs. She got freaked out by some of the more extreme questions, thinking that might be what I was wanting, and never finished it. It did however start the conversation and I shared my ‘wish list’ (slightly toned down for starters) with her first. That gave her the confidence that I wasn’t wanting anything too extreme so she managed a few lines which we’ve ticked off over time- using date night as a prompt helped.

Sorry bit of a ramble. Just thought he could be like the Mrs- not used to talking or even thinking about sex but there are things in there when they put their mind to it!

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