Starting over again!

Hey everyone! Hope you’ve all had a good Christmas. Things here don’t seem to be improving much with Covid, so dating is very difficult atm. I’ve been buying toys aplenty to try and maintain some sanity, but I think I’m curious about solo anal play. Anal is something I discovered I liked with my ex (3+ years ago), but I haven’t done it with anybody since. It’s not something I’ve ever done alone either… So I’m now thinking this could help up my pleasure for the days where I can’t seem to stop playing. Any advice or recommendations on where to begin!?
Thanks :nerd_face:

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General advice:

  1. Stick to body safe materials, silicone, glass, metal.
  2. Start small, and build to where you’re comfortable.
  3. Always buy toys that are meant for anal, specifically with a flared base, don’t want to ruin the fun with a trip to the hospital.
  4. Plenty of lube, use as much lube as you think necessary, then use some more.

Above all, relax, enjoy and take your time learning what works for you.

Maybe something like this would be a good starter, or a similar training set, that starts small and lets you build as you get more confident and comfortable.


You can essentially divide anal toys into 3 types:

Plugs - these are designed to be inserted and left in
Beads - these are designed to be inserted and removed at the point of orgasm to prolong the orgasm
Dildos - these are designed more for thrusting in and out

All come in vibrating or non vibrating versions, you can technically thrust/leave in/remove at orgasm all 3 and there are some toys that are a bit of a hybrid of 2 of the above (eg beaded plugs).

So it really depends on what you are looking to do. If you can, buying 2 or 3 different toys can be useful to give you some options to see what works for you.

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Thank you! I’ve actually been looking at that set for a little while, trying to talk myself into it! I’m gonna have to rely on toys because I already know I don’t enjoy fingers in this area :joy:

I think the plugs and dildos are probably more my kinda bag. Useful breakdown though, thank you!

Love a bit of anal play. I would start off using fingers first and work your way up to a toy. Use plenty of lube and don’t force yourself. Build up to it but once you hit that spot it’s amazing.
Perhaps an assortment of toys such as a realistic dildo or some butt plugs.
I think once you find a toy that give you that pleasure it will be so worth it

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Thanks for the advice! Really not into fingers so I guess I’m looking more at dildos or plugs as suggested!

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Ditto for the plug I have one with attached cock ring etc… we use it together or on my own, obviously don’t know your anatomy :rofl: but it’s the way to go.

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