spray / fake tan question…

Just wondering if I get a spay tan will it cover up my tan lines or with they still show through afterwards..?

it'll be fainter, but if you just go over everywhere theyll still show, best would be with a cream but if you over lap onto your tan itll show and if it goes a different shade of tan well, it'll show too.

Best things to let your own tan fade enough to start again

Yeah they'll still show. I had one the other day and my boobs were still paler than the rest of my body! Looked great though :) xx


If its just for one night, just make up :L i knew id seen it before but typical me had to hunt it down again :) would even do till the current fades or catches up


I wouldn't reccommend a psray tan to cover up tan lines... the colours would be different shades and it can look even worse once it starts to go patchy

you don't wanna be tangoed :P