stockings for plus size women

where can i get thigh high stockings for plus size that don't roll down the minute you take your hands off the tops. its infuriating. even with suspender stockings....they roll down and look silly.

Well I was going to say these but I am absolutely gutted to discover they are now discontinued :(

These were amazing, they fit so well, didn't roll down, didn't cut in and just looked amazing... Perhaps they will be available elsewhere?

I have tried many of the other ones available, all to no avail, suffering exactly as you describe... Asda's hold ups aren't too bad, but I wear them with a suspender belt as well...

its annoying. my partner would love to see me in stockings or knee high socks...but they just aren't designed for plus sized women yet.

There are MANY plus sized stockings out there but they just dont seem to FIT plus sized women. I have shapely but large legs and well even the largest size just doesnt stretch and, as you have said, roll down. If you find some.... PLEASE let me know =) X

I have quite wide thighs- and have, like others above tried the plus size ones advertised in a lot of places that were not plus size! I have found Asda- George brand cheap stocking work very well, surprisingly. I've bought some hold-ups from there that work fantastically well considering..

You know....i just dismissed Asda immediately. i'll pick some up and see how i get on with them

would love to know how you got on .. I'm always looking for good plus size stockings.

MissTerryCleavage wrote:

Well I was going to say these but I am absolutely gutted to discover they are now discontinued :(

These were amazing, they fit so well, didn't roll down, didn't cut in and just looked amazing... Perhaps they will be available elsewhere?

I have tried many of the other ones available, all to no avail, suffering exactly as you describe... Asda's hold ups aren't too bad, but I wear them with a suspender belt as well...

The manufacturers discontinued this particular denier but it has been replaced by a new product and denier;

But their 15 denier Bonny. That's rather thick

Phew thanks Bonny, will order them next time I place an order, I love those stockings so much, hope nothing else has changed about them...

Plain Jane wrote:

But their 15 denier Bonny. That's rather thick

They're a lower denier now Jane, and the ones I have are fine so am sure these slightly thinner ones will be ok too :) These stockings are great, well they were :)

The_Nic wrote:

where can i get thigh high stockings for plus size that don't roll down the minute you take your hands off the tops. its infuriating. even with suspender stockings....they roll down and look silly.

i get that all the time, i have one pair which dont because they have like 2 latex bands around them. i got them from aldi for £1.99 but havent been able to find anything at all similar since xx

And the ones posted up there go to a size 14.. thats not really much of a plus size :(

14 is hardly 'plus size' is it!! lol

nope! not at all lol

Despite them saying up to 14, they fit me really well and I'm not a 14, they're def the best I've tried :)