Suggestions for supposed ED

Throbinhood wrote:

I think most men have had ED at some point in their lives, me included and I have even been prescribed VIAGRA when I was younger (Which all it seemed to give me was a bad headache)

There are so many causes diabetes, stress, anxiety, genetic disorders etc etc

it could even be a combination of a few things

The Problem is the more a man stresses about it, the worse the situation gets.

Penis's do really have a mind of their own sometimes and sometimes they just dont want to play!

I really find cock rings help but its worth noting some cock rings are better than others and also it can make a difference where you actually put the cock ring!

I find they work better around the base of the penis/under scrotum area rather than just the base of the penis (all men are different)

Hope it all works all out, theres always a solution to a problem though, might just take time!

Well, we could have a long debate about whether specs are a good idea or not! Some years ago I decided that my sight could not possibly have got as bad as it had without specs and I investigated the effect of eye exercises (which ophthalmologists who make money out of selling specs will tell you don't work). The exercises didn't just halt the decline in my sight but dramatically reversed it. It's a lot of work (so I'm sure it will never become main-stream) but the results for me were dramatic with me being able to enjoy stereoscopic vision for the first time I can remember. I'm sure most people couldn't be bothered to do them so specs are the easy/only way out for most.

Similarly, an Australian study found that pelvic floor exercises were about as effective as Viagra in overcoming ED (google it and I'm sure you will find reference to the study). These I have also tried and I'm convinced that they were a major benefit in my overcoming my ED. Again they are a lot of work so many will find Viagra etc the easy option.

Throbinhood wrote:

Penis's do really have a mind of their own sometimes and sometimes they just dont want to play!

Or decide to play when you don't want them too.... All I can say is thank god for tables, I once had an involuntry boner at work, seeing a lady struggle to retrieve something she lost under her desk and her skirt catching on a drawer as she did so, exposing, smooth tanned legs, a tight bum and loose fitting thong.

InOrbit1971 wrote:

Viagra could be considered like glasses or contact lenses. If you need them, you need them. It's not like you could focus better just because you really want to see something or someone. And it's something else that goes with age!

Sorry - it was this post I was replying to in my post above - sorry for any confusion!!

Thanks Gyrator53. I'll take a look into pelvic floor excersises for improvement. I prefer natural/holistic healing or treatment over preacribed meds where possible. Dont get me wrong, modern medicine is not the route of all evil, but if a condition requires long term or lifelong treatment, I prefer to look at natural alternatives before subscribing to drugs. Thats why Viagra bothers me. Of course, it isnt my body thats affected so i cant make the final decision, but its good to be able to give OH some options.

He's got a blood test in a couple of weeks so we'll know more then.

I hope this isn't TMI but as for the pelvic floor exercises I found them quite difficult to do, or at least to be sure I was doing them right or effectively. However, I found that the EMS pelvic floor exercisers do work well if you are prepared to give them the time (about an hour or so every other day for several weeks). Also, it would be hard to over-state the power of the psychological aspect of the problem. As others have mentioned, if you start to have any doubts about your ability to perform that alone can trigger the problem. In my case this was so complete that I was convinced there had to be a physical problem.

I now believe that a gradual loss of pelvic floor tone made my erection less firm and requiring more stimulation until the slightest distraction (work stresses etc) were enough to trigger the failure and after the first time the whole thing became self perpetuating. The effect of the exercises was to make my erection noticeably more ready and firm which in turn gave me confidence to perform.

Taking the performance pressure off is also a great help. I found that simply having a strapon available which I could use if ED struck was really effective in reducing that pressure (especially as we both really enjoyed using it in the practice 'fire-drills') as the worst part of ED for me was leaving my wife unsatisfied.

In some ways I'm glad I have had this problem because in the course of overcoming it we have realised that there are so many great ways to have sex that don't need an erection we no longer fear that ED, should it become permanent, would be the end of our sex lives.

I had ED on and off for ages, but it gradually got worse as I got older. (ie over 45) eventually I tried viagra, which was simply amazing, although spontaneity issue is a problem. I switched to Cialis, which to my mind is a miracle drug. It has toatlly transformed my love life. Because it lasts for 36 hours or more, you can get back to how you were as a yonger man. Been taking it for 7 year now and had no problems or side effects at all. I don't need that much, and it has completely given be back my confience, (if you get a headache, you've probably taken too much)

Hope this helps

We understand what your going through because we had the same issues ourselves.

We could be in the middle of the most intense love making session but suddenly I would loose my erection and of course the more I thought About it the worst it seemed to get.

Honestly the docs Is the right thing to do and Sidenifil has helped me loads. The more his cnfidence grows the less he will need them and often just knowing the tablet is there can help take the pressure off.

Good luck and I hope its not medical related.

Well, not sure where we're at now. OH finally got his blood test last week and the results today. "All normal, no further action" which is about as useless as a chocolate tea pot. Glad everything is normal but that doesn't give any suggestions for moving forward.

We've not had any problems lately but then again we've not been particularly active. He was curious about the pelvic floor excersises, just has to remember to do them. He's reluctant to go back again to the doctors.

Wight*goddess wrote:

He was curious about the pelvic floor excersises, just has to remember to do them.

I have to say that I found the pevic floor exercises hard to do or at least hard to be sure I was doing them right. A butt plug helps as it gives you something against which to grip and you can feel how hard you are gripping and that you are keeping the pressure up. In the end I decided that it was easier to use a simple TENs/EMS electro stim unit and finally settled on a two-electrode set-up with a metal butt plug of modest size and a metal kick-boxing groin guard as the other. With these large area electrodes the effect is all muscle contraction and little skin sensation and no pain at all. I can just set it up and do an hour's exercise while reading.

I had a bit of a relapse of the ED a month or two back and went back to doing the exercises for about an hour every other day and it's sorted again so I'm more than ever convinced that it works.

I also looked into my blood pressure recently using a home BP monitor and found that I'm one of those who's BP can be driven up a lot (25mmHg) just by thinking about a problem for a minute or so. I don't know if the short-term BP rise is a direct factor with the ED but it is an interesting insight into how much stress affects me physically so I'm more than prepared to believe that being even slightly stressed/distracted can knock my performance.

Thanks Gyrator, youve been a great source of help. I'll make sure he takes a look at your posts this evening.