Sunday Sex

Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95 year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning." Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. "Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong." She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "He'd still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn't come along." [edit] I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling.

Very good

Lovehoney - Jess wrote:

Agreed. I have removed that part the post.

Thank you Jess

French Fancy it was nice to see a bit of humour on the forums today,so thank you for sharing the joke with us,but i was somewhat offeded by the last sentence about depression,

If it gets removed, then add it again as it is now. It's a good joke and I didn't get to the last bit because I was laughing at the punchline

Can I respectfully suggest that people take these posts in the spirit they are intended. Im sure French fancy didnt set out to cause offence. Lovehoney provide this service to their customers and as a private company can police it however they see fit. But if before posting a comment we have to pause to choose the most sanitized, watered down version of what it is we have to say, then what's the bloody point?

This is not aimed at anyone in particular. Unless someone is intentionally setting out to cause offence or say something particularly inflammatory then leave well alone.

I haven't heard that joke since the late great Frankie Howerd told it in the early 90's

Ron Burgundy wrote:

Can I respectfully suggest that people take these posts in the spirit they are intended. Im sure French fancy didnt set out to cause offence. Lovehoney provide this service to their customers and as a private company can police it however they see fit. But if before posting a comment we have to pause to choose the most sanitized, watered down version of what it is we have to say, then what's the bloody point?

This is not aimed at anyone in particular. Unless someone is intentionally setting out to cause offence or say something particularly inflammatory then leave well alone.

It was nothing to do with the joke. More to do with the comments which followed it. If you read up you will see it was edited from the original post.

Im all for a joke and all that and have no personal issues with the person who posted it. But what people need to do is think a little before saying certain things which for all we know could well effect people who visit these very forums.

I know me gooner. I have a gay brother, a sister who is bipolar, a brother in law from sub Saharan Africa and a nephew with down syndrome. On any given day I could chose to take offence to comments or throw away remarks that I hear but I choose not to. Why? Because the vast majority of people are good and don't set out to intentionally cause offence. The same is true of the people on this forum. If someone is a repeat offender then get rid of them but lets give them the benefit of the doubt first.

Maybe so. But end of day there is nothing wrong in pointing out to someone where something has been said which could be deemed as offensive to someone.
If I started making comments about someones sexuality on here, regardless of whether I had been here 5 mins of 5 years do you think it would be acceptable?
Then surely the same applies to an illness?

It wouldn't be acceptable at all. Because the offending remarks have been removed im presuming they were part of the joke and as such have to be taken in context. Most jokes (good ones anyway) are a little close to the bone. If some one was making remarks intended to offend then that's unacceptable. I don't think in this case that they were.

Ron Burgundy wrote:

It wouldn't be acceptable at all. Because the offending remarks have been removed im presuming they were part of the joke and as such have to be taken in context. Most jokes (good ones anyway) are a little close to the bone. If some one was making remarks intended to offend then that's unacceptable. I don't think in this case that they were.

The offending remark was a flippant comment after the joke. I didn't even read on beyond the punchline. Ultimately it was complained about, apologised for and removed. I don't think any offence was intended and it's all been dealt with.

The comment was as far as I can see had no relevance to the joke. So far as I was concerned didn't need to be added onto the end of the joke.

As mentioned I'm all for a joke. Just didn't appreciate the comment plonked onto the end of it and I made my opinion about it which has been dealt with.

Any joke has the ability to offend or upset anybody. I have a friend who had a car crash when they swerved to avoid a chicken crossing the road.....

CaptainInnuendo wrote:

Any joke has the ability to offend or upset anybody. I have a friend who had a car crash when they swerved to avoid a chicken crossing the road.....

Hahaha @ the joke But thing is what people not understanding is the comment had no relevance to the joke. It was a comment or opinion if you wanna call it added onto the end of the joke hence it has now been edited out.

the joke itself was in no way offensive,people are missing the point ,it was the sentence added at the bottom which was not part of the joke,i felt it was not needed it was removed and the issue solved, i have heard many a joke about bipolar which i have, and i laugh at all bipolar jokes and in no way do they offend me.but a statement that says if you dont find the joke funny it means you are depressed and need to book an appoitment to see a doctor,i felt was not needed,

I understand, and applaud you for speaking out. I joined the thread after it was edited, so I didn't see the comment. Another tick for LH customer service.