suspenders tights

these look quite nice,size really goes on waist tho, how well would they fit a 6'1" guy tho? and how do they compare to normal stockings and suspenders. sometimes i find suspenders belt slips down a bit and that allows the stockings to lower to

I've never tried suspender tights before, but I'm interested in this also. I much prefer to wear stockings, but some of my clothes are very fitted, and you can see the clasps of the suspenders clearly through the fabirc. Now, this can be very sexy if I'm out on a date, but it's a bit much for every day. :) I'm thinking suspender tights would cure this, but I have the opposite problem to you, being only 5'2". And everything on LH seems to be either one size or queen size. : /

I have had some of these in the past and are a very good halfway house between stockings / suspenders and full on tights. I recenly though have started wearing hold ups that I find very satisfactory. I'm 5 11 with a 32in inside leg so I shouldn't think at 6 1 you would have any problems, Tights tend to be more forgiving in the strech so should stay up better than stockings.

Never tried them! I'm 5ft 9 I'd give them a go! I usually wear hold ups.