
I love the taste of a woman after she has had a busy day at work and preferably after running around. There is nothing sexier than that musky aroma and taste! I could spend hours down there if that's the case! I once asked my ex to keep the same pants on for two days, it was very hot and she was running around after kids and at work etc. Let me tell you that oral session was one of the best I have ever had the pleasure of giving! Bet that sounds awful actually!?

Me and my f*ck buddy are on a mission to improve each others taste. I am eating more vegtables and she is cutting out caffine from her diet. Only time will tell if it actually works!

I've got to be honest I hate that fresh out of shower/bath taste. Why do you want a mouthful of shower gel when you could taste what your partner has been doing during the day? She may have been aroused thinking of something, that way you can taste and explore it with her! Now I'm sorry if this freaks people out, but one of my fav things is asking partners to not wipe after having a wee. I love the fact that they "drip dry" so to speak. The smell and taste when this happens is SO amazingly mind blowing! It really gives me such an amazing orgasm!

Id say the same as most people have already said on here.. Try eating lots of fruity stuff, Pineapple is supposed to be best.. Ive tried & tested this with my lad, and i cant say ive noticed much difference to be honest, but it may be different for a woman...Luckily my man loves the taste of me and happily goes down there at least once a day for me :) But yeh, try flavored lubes, or get kinky with him one night & get a bit of squirty cream down there & demand he cleans it up for u

every girl I have ever been with has tasted lovely - maybe I'm lucky or maybe you ladies worry too much. Trust me it's great

PINEAPPLE JUICE & it works both ways! yummy mmmmmm :)

i not sure anything with onions is so great a taste

Lol curry is possibly the worst!

luckily she doesn't like curry

and if your nto golden showers its even worse

scwhartz wrote:

Lovehoney - Hella wrote:

My best man mate swears that women taste like whatever they've been eating the day before, so my recommendation is to spend your life eating his favourite food. ;)

One girl i went out with must have been eating a hell of a lot of fish then:)

LOL thats grim!