Tattoos. .... love them or hate them!?

So I was wondering what people's take on tattoos were. I personally love them and have , in my OH view too many! I soon will be getting another one as not had any more done since I met him 7 years ago as he isn't to keen on them! But with me telling him I want another, I will be getting it done!
I know from a lot of your pictures there is so many with them also, but just wondered on everyone's views on them.
Also any regrets on tattoos that you have had done? I have had one covered over with another , as when your younger you get something done, and when you get a bit older you look at and think ' what the hell was I thinking! !'
So please tell.....

I love them and have several. I too have had one covered.

I want another but need to save some money to get it - it's not just the tattoos I like, but I find I like the pain of getting them done!!!!! Is that weird??!


Depends on what it is ,where it is and how large it is.

On the whole yes as long as they are well done and not a silly (got it done on holiday whilst drunk) tattoo

I have two, one on my lower back (yup, where they are apparently called tramp stamps) and one on my hand, along the side where the thumb is. I'm also hoping to get one behind my ear after my birthday, I've asked for money towards it. I had the first when I was 17 and the second last year, at 34! I don't regret them at all, they mean something to me.

Contrary to popular opinion I actually think I prefer them on ladies than men. I'm not keen on lots on either, like full sleeves or similar, I think it's nice if it's like a little secret, a treasure to discover.

I love them on women (and some on men), but don't have any myself. I fear that I'd regret my choice, and frankly I have enough regrets already without having one permanently inscribed on my flesh.

Love em. I have 6 small ones and a full foot coverage to my ankle. Couldn't walk for a week!

I have a phobia about needles so I won't have any. Take or leave them for me. However I do think you can have too many .

Glaswegian82 wrote:

I love them on women (and some on men), but don't have any myself. I fear that I'd regret my choice, and frankly I have enough regrets already without having one permanently inscribed on my flesh.

Good points, It also depends on how good the tatooist as well. On the TV series Tatoo Fixers it shows examples of really poor ones .Some of these have been applied when the person was drunk.On saying that not sure who was drunk the customer or the so called artist!

I love them and have one. But it's in a spot where no one really sees it and I have to stand in front of a mirror to see it for myself. But I like the surprise effect of that. I like them on other people too as long as they are tasteful.

When they're done well, I love them. Proper ink and by a proper artist they look incredible! If I knew what I wanted and where to go then I would be covered. My mind changes so much I'd hate to end up with a tattoo I dont care for no more.

I love them ! And have quite a few 😊

I love them too! I've got a line of butterflies that "fly" from my hip and up my back to my shoulder.

I want to get something else, either on my foot or thigh...or both.

SO lives my butterflies but hadn't got any tatts himself. Wish he would!

LOVE tattoos (when they're done well of course!)

I have loads already but plan to be a walking canvas as I get older. The only places I plan never to tattoo are my boobs, butt and foof. 

I have none, but have nothing against them. I have considered getting a small meaningful one on my wrist but never followed through with it!

When they're well done, I think they look great on other people. But it's not something I would want for myself - I am far too indecisive to commit to something permanent like a tattoo. I'm glad my other half doesn't have any, but I wouldn't stop him from getting one in the future if it was the right thing for him.

I wouldn't want to have any tattoos, I just don't feel the need. However, I do think others can look great with some well done pieces :)

I have 5, although you'd never guess as they're in places that I can easily cover. My partner has one but I wouldn't mind if he had more. Some people love them, some people hate them, like marmite I guess.

I love them! I got my first one at the end of last year on my foot going up my leg!! I'm already planning my second for the back of my neck

I feel like I'm walking art. I'm lucky to have had some awesome artists do my tattoos and I have a sleeve, leg and back pieces.

My hubby is covered too. I adore them ❤❤ love looking at others with them too.

I have none myself but I have nothing against them. When they're doing really well they can look amazing. I just don't think I can be that comitted to something on my body for life, that's why I stick to piercings lol :)