Tea and sympathy thread

My back has been so sore all day. I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep beause it's so sore. I don't know why, came out of nowhere. Taken painkillers which helped a little but it just keeps coming back. Sigh.

A great idea! Xxx hugs to all that need them..I can't offer more advice then what has already been said..tea/coffee is on tap in my house..pizza only on Wednesdays though sum sub ^^ biscuits most days ^^ cake not as often as I would like xxx

I have gone from feeling good to feeling low today  but that's hormones for you xxx

lmh95 wrote:

KittenFeatures wrote:

My back has been so sore all day. I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep beause it's so sore. I don't know why, came out of nowhere. Taken painkillers which helped a little but it just keeps coming back. Sigh.

Poor you. Hope your backache disappears soon. Have you tried placing a hot water bottle on your back through your clothes? Doing that and then wrapping a dressing gown cord around myself and the hot water bottle to hold it in place plus painkillers usually does the trick for me :)

I've had one on my back all day, even when I've slept. Sadly my daughter has been really fussy today so I've been up and down constantly. Given up on a lot of things today. Definitely going back to bed to ignore the world. Just one of those days whereI feel sorry for myself, haha. Bit sad, really.

KittenFeatures wrote:

lmh95 wrote:

KittenFeatures wrote:

My back has been so sore all day. I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep beause it's so sore. I don't know why, came out of nowhere. Taken painkillers which helped a little but it just keeps coming back. Sigh.

Poor you. Hope your backache disappears soon. Have you tried placing a hot water bottle on your back through your clothes? Doing that and then wrapping a dressing gown cord around myself and the hot water bottle to hold it in place plus painkillers usually does the trick for me :)

I've had one on my back all day, even when I've slept. Sadly my daughter has been really fussy today so I've been up and down constantly. Given up on a lot of things today. Definitely going back to bed to ignore the world. Just one of those days whereI feel sorry for myself, haha. Bit sad, really.

Sorry I missed this...have you tried arnica salve...I get mine from neals yard and its for bruises/bumps but if rubbed right in it can ease muscles too ..failing that basil or ginger oils can help but always dilute with a carrier oil and don't use if pregnant and half the dilution if breastfeeding xxx hope you feel better soon xxx

Asking for a little sympathy and ALOT of tea, cake, chocolate etc in advance.

Tomorrow I have an ingrown toenail removed and having been through this before I know exactly how much it hurts!! ![](upload://rWunPW3zYHdA0ypr4dRQnAP8JTy.gif)

I have worked really hard in university for three years now with really good results. I have studied 90 hours per week for a long time and the last couple of months I have just gotten more tired and tired and can't focus anymore. The only energy I have left is used for studying but I can't seem to get much done anymore and I'm afraid I am going to fail my exams or never be able to finish my program.

I feel like such a failiure and am afraid that I'm not going to reach my dream or be horrible at my future job. It just feels so depressing to think about this. Just needed to get it written down, sorry for the whine.

Sxleksaker wrote:

I have worked really hard in university for three years now with really good results. I have studied 90 hours per week for a long time and the last couple of months I have just gotten more tired and tired and can't focus anymore. The only energy I have left is used for studying but I can't seem to get much done anymore and I'm afraid I am going to fail my exams or never be able to finish my program.

I feel like such a failiure and am afraid that I'm not going to reach my dream or be horrible at my future job. It just feels so depressing to think about this. Just needed to get it written down, sorry for the whine.

Aww hun - don't put yourself down. I am sure all your hard work will pay off.

You do need to allow yourself some 'me time' though. Give yourself a little break and a bit of a pamper and maybe things will look a bit brighter xxx

Sxleksaker wrote:

I have worked really hard in university for three years now with really good results. I have studied 90 hours per week for a long time and the last couple of months I have just gotten more tired and tired and can't focus anymore. The only energy I have left is used for studying but I can't seem to get much done anymore and I'm afraid I am going to fail my exams or never be able to finish my program.

I feel like such a failiure and am afraid that I'm not going to reach my dream or be horrible at my future job. It just feels so depressing to think about this. Just needed to get it written down, sorry for the whine.

lovingnewtoys wrote:

Asking for a little sympathy and ALOT of tea, cake, chocolate etc in advance.

Tomorrow I have an ingrown toenail removed and having been through this before I know exactly how much it hurts!! ![](upload://rWunPW3zYHdA0ypr4dRQnAP8JTy.gif)

@Sxlexsaker Aw, you shouldn't feel like a failure at all. You've already managed three years, maybe it would be best to do something to take your mind off it for a while and designate some time to pamper yourself. Three years of good results is an amazing acheivement, hell I barely even finished compulsory school due to bullies and whatnot, you certainly deserve some time to sit back and relax for a bit. You should be proud of yourself and your achievements, look at the positive side of how much you've done and how far you've gotten. I know that isn't easy when you feel down and I struggle with it myself, but it does help as a pick-me-up, even a little.

@lovingnewtoys Oof, sounds extremely grim. I've heard about people doing it themselves and I just couldn't bare to listen. I hope they make it as comfortable as possible for you. How about some tea cakes? They have a bit of everything.

KittenFeatures....Ouch to the bad back.....nothing worse, it hurts if you stand up, sit or lay down. 😧

lovingnewtoys.....I can't even begin to imagine how much having an in growing toenail removed would feel.....bet it really throbs for ages too 😞

Sxlesaker....give yourself a very well deserved break. Do something you really enjoy, it dosent matter what it is but you need and deserve a break, you've put in a huge effort to get this far. Good work, be proud of yourself !

Mummymermaid.... hope your hormones sort themselves out soon and you get back to feeling good again.

Hugs to you all xx

Sxleksaker wrote:

I have worked really hard in university for three years now with really good results. I have studied 90 hours per week for a long time and the last couple of months I have just gotten more tired and tired and can't focus anymore. The only energy I have left is used for studying but I can't seem to get much done anymore and I'm afraid I am going to fail my exams or never be able to finish my program.

I feel like such a failiure and am afraid that I'm not going to reach my dream or be horrible at my future job. It just feels so depressing to think about this. Just needed to get it written down, sorry for the whine.

You sound as if you need a break! Is this the last year of study or are there more to come? Put away the pen and paper, not just for one evening, but allow yourself a long weekend of no study at all. If you burn yourself out, you actually stand to perform worse at exams than if you allow yourself a breather. X

Thank you LNT, lmh95, KittenFeatures, Terri and Squid for your kind words.

I have three more years left. It feels like I'm not going to be able to finish my program if I don't take a break for atleast 6 months and then returning to university feeling a bit more happy and rested. I'm never rested anymore, I always feel like a zombie and I don't get much done anymore during the day, I just can't make myself focus anymore.

I also got really bad anxeity because I'm not able to perform as I'm used to an really want. I have been in the top of my class all this time so it is hard dealing with not being able to perform or be me. It is hard for me to give myself credit and the only times I feel good about myself are when I do good on exams, and now I wont be able to do that anymore.

I know I need to rest, but I think I need long term rest. It is just really hard to take the step and accept that I need to drop out of school for a semester and then get back to it when I feel better.

Sorry for this long rant.

Sxleksaker wrote:

Thank you LNT, lmh95, KittenFeatures, Terri and Squid for your kind words.

I have three more years left. It feels like I'm not going to be able to finish my program if I don't take a break for atleast 6 months and then returning to university feeling a bit more happy and rested. I'm never rested anymore, I always feel like a zombie and I don't get much done anymore during the day, I just can't make myself focus anymore.

I also got really bad anxeity because I'm not able to perform as I'm used to an really want. I have been in the top of my class all this time so it is hard dealing with not being able to perform or be me. It is hard for me to give myself credit and the only times I feel good about myself are when I do good on exams, and now I wont be able to do that anymore.

I know I need to rest, but I think I need long term rest. It is just really hard to take the step and accept that I need to drop out of school for a semester and then get back to it when I feel better.

Sorry for this long rant.

Well the first step to avoid burning out through mental exhaustion is accepting that you're not invincible, so well done for recognising that :) The next step is to do something about it without seeing it as defeatist. You need to do what's right for you. And if that involves taking time out from studies to recharge your batteries so be it. Any employer worth working for later down the line, A) wouldn't question a small break in six years worth of study, and B) would understand when you explain to them :)

Thank you Squid for your encouragement. I know you are right, it is just hard to take the step, but I will.

Here, some support for them who need some ![](upload://4WyQT1gwKaQJNwhYxrKZ1rOPglF.gif)

I can specificcaly relate to Sxleksaker.

I feel you. It's been the same for me last month and it was very hard. I understand that feeling trust me. It's still quite hard for me right now so I can't really help you, but I wanted to let you know that you are not alone in that situation.

Maybe you don,t need to drop out for a semester. Don't you think you can manage to fix this while staying in school? Sure you'll need some help, maybe go see your doctor or psychologist, because obviously there is something going on. Also, I understand why you do so, but don't define yourself with your result, you're worth more than resulsts and you're still worth a lot even if you fail an exam.

I do hope things get better for you. I'd like to be more helpful but really I would need to be out of this myself to be able to do so :P I can only show you a little support and encourage you to take care of yourself

Lmh95, it is possible for me to take a break from my studies after the next semester. Thank you for being so kind and helpful.

Everyone's response have made me feel a bit better.

Thank you for your support Mamz. I understand that we are in the same field of studies and it is not easy. I don't really know if I would be able to solve this while still studying, I think the problem have gone too far. I hope everything turns out well for you too, since we deserve to be happy (and sane😁).

Massive hugs to everyone who is suffering.

-Lovingnewtoys I had trouble with ingrowing toe nails when I was younger.they caused a lot of problems and I know how painful they are and having one removed doesn't seem like a good thing right now but it will better in the long term.

-Kittenfeatures in the past I've suffered with back issues,to the point where it hurt to breath at one stage.its awful because everything you do causes your back to move and you end up tensing your body so not to move and cause you pain.maybe as well as the painkillers and a hot water bottle you could get some anti inflammatories or gels that have it in.it might speed up the healing.

-Sxleksaker I've never been to uni (I have a little brain)but I know people who have put everything into their studies.its a lot of hard work.it sounds as though you have been so focused on study that you have worn yourself out.a break away from uni,even if only a day or two until you can find more time would help.also maybe something to look forward to,a special occasion,a short break or holiday.just a different focus away from study might give you renewed enthusiasm

loganlogan wrote:

Massive hugs to everyone who is suffering.

-Lovingnewtoys I had trouble with ingrowing toe nails when I was younger.they caused a lot of problems and I know how painful they are and having one removed doesn't seem like a good thing right now but it will better in the long term.

Unfortunately I had the same one removed 2 years ago, but it grew back worse! So this means I know EXACTLY how much it is going to hurt this time. I know it will ultimately give me relief but the process just turns my stomach.

Thanks everyone for the teacakes xxxx

The sun was shining this morning so I came out in my summer bike gear which is neither waterproof not insulated! .. It soon clouded over and started sleeting and raining and I won't be leaving for home until 6 this evening. All hot cups of tea welcome! 😨⛄️⛄️

Just Jenson wrote:

The sun was shining this morning so I came out in my summer bike gear which is neither waterproof not insulated! .. It soon clouded over and started sleeting and raining and I won't be leaving for home until 6 this evening. All hot cups of tea welcome! 😨⛄️⛄️

Sugar? For energy going home in the sleet, snow and wind.