Temporary change

ladies have much more cause to itch and scratch I imagine but dont

I put this this topic on as a random idea came into my head.....suprised at the responses...and amused.

I dint realise that it REALLY DOES piss women off (pun intended) that men leave collateral damage when urinating (occaisionally)


That guys rearrange themselves so much.......I suppose I do but always thought I was being discrete....obviously not :)

What would I do???

Yeah see how big long etc objects I could insert

See if women can come sitting on the waching machine in spin mode

See how many times I could come

Flash my thighs in a bar

become a whore for a day fuck and suck everyone that asked me too

i think its safe to say we would all just piss wank and fuck.

personly i think i would enjoy this best if it was a swap between me and my partner for the day. imagen feeling what you felt like to your partner. oh and i might take some picturs to add somevariety to the colection me and him are making (certainly wouldnt want change to be perminant though. hadd strange dreams about this as a kid)

eat for free all day lol

I would experience the delight of being able to pee standing up!

I would masturbate. A LOT.

And have sex... oooh it would be so cool to know what it feels like for guys ;) x

All the obvious covered. Peeing standing up to practice aim. I think I'd just go out of my way to find out whether or not men have it easier than women. I'd love to see how my boss treated me. Mainly though I'd be waiting til I changed back. I'd have to be gay because I don't find women attractive but I really don't like anal. So yeah... Being a bloke wouldn't suit me.

Very intresting idear, but would one day be long enought to find out what it's like to be the oppersit sex?

i would love to see what it would be like to live in a womans body for a week,

yes a wek would be enough time ti find out if i liked it i suppose but not for a month as you knoww what happens then ,that bit i wouldn't wish on anyone at all

I had all ready thaught about that,