Testing: Gift or Curse

One issue with reviewing items you've bought yourself is that naturally, before purchase, you read other sex toy enthusiasts' reviews and these are still fresh in your mind. What has been read cannot be unread. So while I'm thinking about a review of my own for the excellent Doc Johnson stroker mentioned at the top of the thread, I'm mentally ticking off their points and observations because they are still fresh in my brain.

This testing lark is a real mind bender.

At least this will not be a problem if I receive a magic bundle from Brenna


I'm not 100% sure I'm following this (and I'm unsure if you've recieved the stroker as a tester or whether it's just an order you've bought and are planning on reviewing), but I thought I'd pop a reminder in that if anyone gets a Secret Tester (by commenting on a special forum thread, or being emailed by Brenna directly) then you mustn't discuss it on any social media, including this forum. 👍 If you get one from the Tester list then it's not a problem, but the Secret Testers are called 'Secret' for a reason. 🙂

Basically, it boils down to: if it's not live on the site then keep schtum. 🤐🙂👍

This was a personal purchase for which, coincidentally, I have just submitted my review to our wonderful editors. Need not have worried about plagiarising other reviews in the end. My mind got lost reliving the moment ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

I would love to test something for Lovehoney!

KentCouple1990 wrote:

I would love to test something for Lovehoney!

You guys need to make sure you've only got products from this link on your sex toy tester list x https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/community/testers/

Melody. wrote:

This was a personal purchase for which, coincidentally, I have just submitted my review to our wonderful editors. Need not have worried about plagiarising other reviews in the end. My mind got lost reliving the moment

Ah, no worries. Your original post sounded like you'd been selected for a tester item and I couldn't remember seeing a Doc Johnson stroker on the tester list. 🙂

The gift that keeps giving!

Boundary Testing (it's a thing, look it up - or not, test nerds only)

So I was in Tesco a minute ago, just to buy a 4 pint milk (organic of course, they are the only place around here I can grab it). But the queues were massive - self serve and regular. As I pondered "Is this really worth the wait?" I spotted a lady completing a prescription purchase as I drifted past the empty pharmacy. Let's test this guy's boundaries. "Er can I pay for milk here please?". A quick tap later, I'm heading past the glum faces queuing for the regular tills and out of the door with the biggest, smuggest smile ever.

Got to dash now, the kettle's just boiled and some lucky person has finally made it to the front of their line.

Happy testing Lovehonies


I wouldn’t repeatedly put my name down for items if I, in any way, didn’t enjoy the process! If I found myself beginning to overanalyse things outside of sex toys, lingerie etc, I think that’s the time I’d stop. How lucky are we all to be given the opportunity to try these products? It’s an absolute dream. So definitely a gift for me!

Ditto For Your Eyes Only - I fully appreciate that we are given the opportunity to test items and in 9/10 cases choose our test items too.

Happy to help wherever we can.