That feeling of dread when...

Live only with the wife so we dont have to worry about it!

I have always wondered if the post man knows where the boxes are from as they are usually the same shape and size.

Ms HKM wrote:

Call double bluff and say 'it's a massive dildo, now stop being nosey'... walk off.

haha amazing idea! i might try thta one next time my flatmate asks whats in the box :P

Ms HKM wrote:

Call double bluff and say 'it's a massive dildo, now stop being nosey'... walk off.

Haha, this is definitely the best response!

You mustn't dread a visit from the sex-toy fairy!!

Ms HKM wrote:

Call double bluff and say 'it's a massive dildo, now stop being nosey'... walk off.

I can't remember the last time I laughed so much, had to stuff my pillow in my mouth to prevent waking anyone up! :D Next time the sex-toy fairy visits, I'll try this out and pick up my parcel with pride! :)

I've just read this while looking for another thread. It must be difficult if you house share or still live with parents.
My deliveries always arrive when I'm out because the post arrives usually about mid-day when I'm at work, which is handy for me because I can just collect from the post office at my convenience.
It would be handy though if you could choose for your parcel to go straight to the post office for collection by-passing your address completely.

We have two small children who always get excited by large parcels getting delivered. - Don't think the giant dildo line will work with a 4 year old! Usually I say that Uncle/Auntie/Granma etc are having a parcel delivered here because they are going to be at work/on holiday etc, just waiting for them to remember and call us on it next time the family comes to visit!

A few weeks ago my package arrived on a Thursday morning, which is not usually an issue because Mrs HH has Thursdays off work.

I should explain at this point that while Mrs HH enjoys our Lovehoney products, she is worries about what the neighbours might think if they or the postman knew what was inside the boxes. I have always thought that if they do recognise the label on the box they would just give a knowing smile a be happy that there is another Lovehoney customer with a great sex life in the close!

Anyway on this particular morning she had invited an ex work colleague round for coffee and a catch up.

When she opened the door to the postman and was handed the box, her friend just said "so what have you brought from Lovehoney?"

Mrs HH was mortified!

They then had a laugh about it afterwards her friend is also a customer and recognised that packaging instantly.

The moral of this story, don't worry about you friends and neighbours being shocked, they are probably customers to!

Haha good one! We have a bunch of recycling bins in the halls so I slipped LH cardboard packaging inside the cardboard bin along with a load of Amazon packaging.

I have a LH gift box and I had to tippex over the "sexual happiness people" tagline because it would be a shame to throw away a pretty box and I can probably use it to take stuff home in a few months, but I don't want parents asking weird questions.

I understand branding is important for a company but its definitely a tricky business for those of us who aren't homeowners.

I've had to move back home with my parents for a few months to help out with my son who has special needs.

Me and my OH ordered a riding crop to get here when he was going to be here for us to take to the hotel later that evening, now luckily for me, my dads working when the packages arrive otherwise he'd open it lol! But my mum was incredibly nosey about what was in the very long box that had been delivered.

I told her "Well it's a vast array of sex toys to use tonight in the hotel if you must know nosey hole" She replied with "Well never asking what's in your mail again since you're going to be sarcastic about it"

The OH about died he couldn't believe I'd said that to my mum! She didn't believe me like! She might give it an open next time! lol.

We have young children at home, and I'm expecting a delivery from LH tomorrow. I'm just planning on telling them that it's a parcel for a neighbour who wasn't at home and then whisk it away when they're not looking.

You could change the name on your address to a friends name, that your parents will recognise as a friend, and just tell them your friend asked if they could get something delivered at your house because they won't want their parents finding out. They definitely won't open the box then!