The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread


The Great Hump Day Quiz! 🐪

Welcome to this Wednesday’s Great Hump Day Quiz!

We’re always trying to add more people to our quiz gang, so check out how to hide your answers, pop them in a post, and I’ll add you to the Scoreboard. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Where do the questions come from?

I found a mysterious old box of trivial pursuit, with even more trivial pursuits stuffed inside. It is a treasure trove of quiz questions, and all of them really old. :slightly_smiling_face: Perfect fodder for a Hump Day special. :+1:

Piecing together a few bits and bobs, there were three sets, and a couple of the instructions. One is a Genus Edition, dated 2001, and the other the 20th Anniversary one, 2004. There’s also another old style board and questions in there that looks/smells quite a bit older. That’s the box they’re all stuffed in, and that has ©1983 printed on it. No instructions, so not sure if that’s accurate. That one says it’s a Master Game Genus Edition.

(Edit: Now with an added sprinkling of more recent questions too :+1::slightly_smiling_face:)

So, there you go. It’s a bit random, but it should add to the fun. :slightly_smiling_face:


💙 Geography
  1. Plans were announced in 2016 for the construction of a 50km bridge across the Red Sea between Egypt and which other country?

  2. What capital city overlooks the Tagus River?

  3. If you were in Slovakia and exclaimed Na zdravie!, what would you be doing - making a toast, shouting for help or hailing a taxi?

  4. What city was the first home to the Statue of Liberty?

  5. Which spice are people in Denmark doused with if they’re single on their 25th birthday?

  1. The film Ghost World, which features Scarlett Johnansson and Thora Birch as two outsider teens, is based on a graphic novel by whom?

  2. Which TV cowboy was pictured on Richie Cunningham’s lunch box in Happy Days?

  3. Which Academy-nominated actor made a 1999 cameo in Sex and the City as one of Carrie’s dates?

  4. How much were rooms to let, according to Roger Miller?

  5. Which Disney classic was the first movie ever released with stereophonic sound?

💛 History
  1. Dutch scientist Jaap Haartsen is credited as the inventor of which technology - 4G, Bluetooth or SMS?

  2. What was the claim to fame of Captain Edward J. Smith, who died on April 15, 1912?

  3. In which ancient South Asian language is the text of The Vedas written?

  4. What was the penknife originally designed for?

  5. What was called a “Chicago piano” by gangsters in the 1930s?

💩 Art & Literature
  1. Which of the following is not a Judy Blume book - Superfudge, Blubber or Ramona the Pest?

  2. Who wrote The Cherry Orchard?

  3. What does the hashtag #TBT stand for?

  4. What English word comes from the Old French covrefeu, meaning “cover fire”?

  5. Who is master of ceremonies at the Hunger Games?

💚 Science & Nature
  1. What’s the name of the region between Mars and Jupiter where large, irregularly shaped objects orbit the Sun?

  2. What part of the eye continues to grow throughput a person’s life?

  3. What is the term for the technology used in the apps Aurasma, Ingress and Pokémon Go?

  4. What organ contains the island of Langerhans?

  5. Which part of the skeletal structure of the human head is unique, and is not shared with any other species on Earth?

🧡 Sprot & Leisure
  1. In which British city would you have found the Don Valley Stadium, prior to its demolition in 2013?

  2. What Australian city hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics?

  3. What is a meerschaum?

  4. In which hobby might you have a particular interest in overprints, cylinder numbers or Machins?

  5. What would you do with a peplum - cook it, wear it or kick it?


Total :blue_heart: :heartpulse: :yellow_heart: :poop: :green_heart: :orange_heart:
@Peitho 17 4 2 4 1 3 3
@SexInTheCity 17 5 2 2 2 4 2
@FL45H 15 4 0 2 3 2 4
@WillC 14½ 3 2 3 1 2
@Ian_Chimp 12 3 2 2 1 2 2
The Answers

| :blue_heart: Geography | :heartpulse: Entertainment
— | — | —

  1. Saudi Arabia | 1. Daniel Clowes
  2. Lisbon | 2. The Lone Ranger
  3. Making a toast | 3. Bradley Cooper
  4. Paris | 4. Fifty cents
  5. Cinnamon | 5. Fantasia
    :yellow_heart: History |
    :poop: Arts & Literature |
  6. Bluetooth | 1. Ramona the Pest
  7. He was captain of the Titanic | 2. Anton Chekov
  8. Sanskrit | 3. Throwback Thursday
  9. Sharpening quills | 4. Curfew
  10. The machine gun | 5. Caesar (Flickerman)
    :green_heart: Science & Nature |
    :orange_heart: Sprot & Leisure |
  11. Asteroid Belt | 1. Sheffield
  12. The lens | 2. Melbourne
  13. Augmented Reality | 3. A pipe
  14. The pancreas | 4. Stamp collecting (philately)
  15. The chin | 5. Wear it