The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread

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Think you know your Positions of the Week back to front? Let’s find out. :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you identify each of these positions from their garbled 'How’s? And how fast can you do it? If you chuck a time in I’ll add it to the scoreboard. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

The partner on the bottom sits propped on one arm, with their legs stretched out in front of them. The partner being penetrated then lowers themself onto them, raising one leg over their partner’s shoulder. For added support, the partner on the bottom should wrap their arm around their waist.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

She stands with her back to him, he penetrates. He holds her hips while she leans forward onto her hands, putting her legs behind his.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

He sits down, legs spread. She sits between his legs, helps him penetrate, then puts her legs on his shoulders. Both rest on your hands.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

She lies on her back with her legs wide open. He lies across her and in between her thighs with his pelvis meeting hers in the middle. She raises her top leg and he grabs hold of her calf to help edge him in closer to penetrate her.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

The giving partner lies on their back with their knees raised and their feet positioned flat on the floor. The receiving partner climbs on top and facing away from the reclining partner, straddles them and holds onto their knees while leaning onto their thighs for support.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

Start in the traditional doggie-style pose with her on all fours and him behind. He supports her with his hands while she comes up on her knees.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

He sits down with his knees bent and feet on the floor. She climbs on top of him and places her torso over his knees with her bum facing towards him and her knees resting either side of his hips. By placing her hands on the floor either side of his feet, she can balance herself and work with him to manoeuvre herself into a comfortable position.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

The receiving partner lies sideways, holding their head with one arm bent at the elbow and their knees slightly bent. The giving partner kneels behind the receiving partner so they are vertical to the reclining partner’s body, with their knees widened to aid penetration.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

The receiving partner crouches on all fours with their knees bent, while the giving partner crouches and enters them from behind. The giving partner holds onto the receiving partner’s waist to draw them in deeper.

And the right way round if anyone needs it: 🙂

She lies flat, he lies on top and penetrates. She keeps her legs closed and he puts his legs either side of hers.

Answers TBD :slightly_smiling_face:

Scoreboard | Time :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Is 10 too many?

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