The Gym

I tend to wrap a towel when im going to/from the showers. As others have said, i dont do the towel shuffle to get my boxers on but i also dont stand there for 20 minutes having a chat fully naked. Also seems to me that the older people get the longer they spend naked. Some of the guys 70+ in there will put their shirt, ties and socks on before their underwear which i just find a bit wierd but each to their own!


The other question to ask is do you wear ‘regular’ underwear to the gym. ie boxer types, not what you normally wear :grin:

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In addition to my first comment, there’s one thing I draw the line at…communal showers!! Absolutely bloody not. I’m all for seeing a bit of body when we’re drying, but I absolutely do not want to be sharing the same shower as someone, butt naked, washing their…bits.

I’m in my home town this week, so thought I’d use the gym there and to my surprise, there was communal showers. Urgh. The one thing miss about Pure gyms, least you got your own shower!

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Ew, definitely not :no_good_man:t2:

I go to the gym 4 times a week, mines a rehab gym, most are sent via their doctors for injury, diabetes, breathing issues and such.

It’s a new build building, a year old, there is a shower, I live 5 minutes away, so choose not to shower there, I’ve never seen anyone changing or using the shower in the time I’ve been going.


Hmm, see now I’m going off topic as no gym I’ve been to has communal showers but music festivals are another matter… last time at Download… single sex but communal with each block bit having, I think, 10 showers. I wasn’t one for hanging around and chatting in there but I was fine having a nude shower with other nude showering going on around me. It was a hot shower and hence luxury not to be turned down when you’re plastered in mud and sweat :rofl:.