Gym bunnies

Hi I have abit of an addiction too keeping fit so I am in the gym 4 to 5 times a week as you can appreciate I see some strange sites what is the strangest site you have seen

mine is a woman walking around completely naked with only a towel on her head and a woman with huge lips bending over

I think these things say more about the viewer than the viewed. I don't think naked people, or their body parts, should ever be considered 'strange'.

I’m not as dedicated, but that might be because I don’t get any pleasure from excersize. I have been going twice a week while my foot has been bad just to do weights. Previously 3 times a week + 2 sessions of spin a week.

I was and still am the fattest woman that goes to the gym. I’m not that bothered. I’m trying, and I go early in the morning 4am usually so there are not many people there to judge. The staff are great and I have become quite good friends with a couple of them. Now my foot is getting better I’m hoping to go back to doing more cardio again. I really need to lose the weight I have gained not being able to walk.

Hi sorry but I did not want to cause any offense to anyone and perhaps the term strangecways the wrong one Yes I totally aggre it does take a lot of couragecfor some people to enter a gym I should know as I have taken cases of all mixed abilities So once again I did not mean to offend anyone