The Lounge

We’ll keep you company if you need it @VanillaWithSprinkles, get well soon :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it is timed from last contact.
So if he kept to himself as soon as he started to feel ill, that might reduce the isolation period, but that is hard to do if you share a bathroom, kitchen etc…

@AWB1955 aw thanks I love it too! Been a while since I bought a role play outfit.

@Buzboy definitely happy to isolate to protect others, I really hope I can avoid it but yeah hard when we share so much x

@MsR ah yes we have all of the streaming platforms going I think so plenty of material. Plus I still work from home so got 9-5 covered. Just done an online shop for the first time ever and added a box of wine, hopefully that’ll do the job. Housemate seems pretty OK to be honest, he’s more than happy to sleep in til noon and watch films all day :joy: really mild case. It won’t upset my Christmas plans UNLESS I catch it off him. If I do get sick after the 15th then my 10 day isolation will restart and clash with Christmas, so it’s a waiting game for me.

@Serpentwand mixed advice really some say since symptomatic some say since positive test result. Ought to be safer rather than sorry my parents are quite old.

@WillC thanks so much, I’ll definitely need entertaining in the evenings I reckon.


@VanillaWithSprinkles Good luck. You are doing the right thing by isolating.
Let us know how you and your housemate are in the next few days… Thinking of you.

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Keep safe and look after each other and you should be ok for Xmas


@VanillaWithSprinklesj hi hun you ok hope your keeping safe


Stay safe and fingers crossed for you. Keep the fresh air flowing as much as possible in your room as that really reduces the risk! Keep in Touch And hope Christmas remains in for you x


Thinking of you @VanillaWithSprinkles try to stay safe and hopefully everything will be fine


@VanillaWithSprinkles how did the test go hope all is ok my wand has broken need a new one which one have you gotv

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@AWB1955 had to postpone the smear til the 23rd because of the isolation period so that joy is still yet to come. Loving that my first action outside of my house after isolation is a checkup lol. I have the lovehoney deluxe mains powered wand, if you don’t mind being a bit restricted because of the cord it is lush (loud though)!

@steve19 @Buzboy @carzy thanks lovelies, still doing ok, no symptoms yet :slight_smile:


@VanillaWithSprinkles sorry to hear your smear has been postponed hope it does not get postponed again I have had 3 eye appontmens cancelled… The wand sounds amazing will have a look back to my thrusting rabbit

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Good morning guys. Where is everyone? It’s very quiet XXX


Was just think the same thing @Orgasm_Chaser, been a quiet couple of days!! Hope everybody is well and just busy!


Morning No Afternoon everyone :+1:


Afternoon @teacake you ok I hope ??


@Gazza_64 Yes I’m doing much better thanks​:+1:


@teacake I am glad :grinning: small steps you will get there I am sure stay strong for yourself and for your daughter :muscle::hugs:


Afternoon, just a bit tired today. Taking a break after reading a bit to check out forums.

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I’m tired too. Ready for a lie in tomorrow


I’ll bring you that tea. Heading home for the weekend!

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