The many names of Lovehoney_Brenna

How many of us have renamed Brenna and what have you named her?

:raising_hand_man:t2: - Breanna - my first tester comment, I can’t remember whether I realised in time to edit it (as edits are time sensitive depending on trust level) or whether I deleted but I remember think aw fudge :rofl:

I sometimes use Miss B in emails :joy: she sounds like a cool cat.

I think once my phone autocorrected her to Brenda one time :scream:

I see ‘Brenda’ a lot in the tester threads :rofl: our attention to detail is lacking lol

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I refer to her as the magic fairy when discussing her with my other half. (she makes wishes comes true)


Yup my phone always wants to correct to ‘Brenda’ or ‘Brennan’ :sweat_smile: