The Mirena lasts 8 years according to my doctor?

So I’m currently in the process of getting a Mirena coil. I had my consultation about a week ago and the doctor said that the Mirena now lasts up to 8 years instead of 5? Does this sound right to you? Google and everywhere else says they last 5 years but according to my doctor they can last up to 8 years now. It would be great if this is the case but I’m unsure. My doctor said it’s definitely the mirena I’m scheduled to get soon.

I’m not sure @sharbur when I had mine changed in August 2020…which was a few months over the 5 years due to Covid. I was horrified to find before they would change it I had to do a pregnancy test…those minutes waiting to be called back in were horrific…then when I was called in again it was inconclusive and it had to be repeated.

They did change it but I was advised to do a repeat pregnancy test two weeks later just as a precautionary measure. When I rang to make the appointment and was told it would be a while due to Covid I was told it would be “okay” to go over by a few months…then to arrive for my appointment to be told differently by the doctor I wasn’t impressed. However it was ok in the end…could have done without the stress though.

Yes, this is correct. The Mirena coil does last 8 years

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Or 5 years if used as HRT

Never rely on Doctor Google, i’m sure your GP will be correct, when you get it fitted ask again. Google can tell you anything. Remember the world is flat if you go with google.

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I got a txt message from my doctor saying the mirena now lasts 8 years instead of 5. I got mine fitted 4 years ago