The Pill question

I'm hoping for a bit of advice.

I've just been put on the combined pill. It's the first pill I've ever been on. I wanted to know if anyone with experience of the pill has found the same or if it's just me. I was told to give it three months (and I will) but I need to know if what I'm experiencing is normal. I'm about halfway through my first packet.

I've been having mood swings but on a worse level than before I started taking it. I just get really angry and irritated for no reason and flip out at the drop of a hat. Oddly I haven't been emotional at all although that usually comes after the anger for me so maybe it's to come. My skin has been getting worse too (that's the main reason for me starting the pill). I'd say they're like pms symptoms but a lot worse.

Anyway, did anyone else experience this at first and can assure me it got better or is it just me being incompatible. I know my mum said the pill made her pms worse so I'm just worried it's doing that to me too.

When I first stated the pill, my mood swings were a nightmare. Having never suffered from PMT before i turned into a crying, angry wreck. The first couple of months were hell, the next few months better. By 6 months, I was back to my normal self.

I guess its up to you whether or not you think you can stick it out and wait for it to pass or you want to consider another method of contraception/another pill.

I can't speak for the combi pill as I can't have estrogen (it's not good for people with pancreatic issues), but certainly the mini pill I was on (Cerazette) took a long time to settle down... I'm now on the implant (which is the same chemical as cerazette) but as a big girl I'm finding the best results from taking the pill with it... sigh.

What you're reporting sounds unpleasant, but normal. I would advise riding it out for a few months as it often does settle, if you can.

Tis all normal, obviously side effects differ from woman to woman but irritability and mood swings are fairly common. I couldnt get along with pills at all and found the implant made me a horrible person... I am totally happy with my choice now, the mirena coil, and it being long term (five years) is an added bonus.

Hope it all starts to settle down in due course and that the replies here have given you alittle peace of mind Lovable Rogue

I got switched to the mini pill due to the combi causing me migraines, not good since I was fine on it and cerazette has been driving my hormones around on a rollercoaster, BUT it does usually improve within six months thankfully. Stick with it a bit longer and if need be discuss alternatives with the Dr, and weigh up any other good sides like better skin or regular periods it might be giving you.

Thanks everyone, I think I just need to ride it out a bit longer and hope for the best. Anyone got any good tips for settling your mood swings?

I have to go back after 3 months anyway so if it's still an issue by then I can mention it.

They seemed to start you on the cheapest pill they have to offer , I was a PMT witch on it I won't go back on the pill again as it was horrible .

Best advice I can say for mood swings is excerise , challenge your engery in to something and take your time to chill, so if you like reading or having a bath go take 5 mins out and try and calm down . Its horrible I understand exactly how you feel xx

Make sure you get enough sleep, the moodswings get waaaaaaaay worse if you are overtired, I think just a glare from me with that combination makes people go eeep and run haha.

The best thing I did was to get off the pill and get my IUS. Yay! No babies no periods no hassle 5yrs. It did make me put on weight (about a stone) but I've been a bit more sane with it than I was on the pill. The pill made me an emotional nightmare and considering my job the last thing I need is to be bringing my shit to work.

I'm so glad to hear this isn't just me. I just feel really bad for the people around me. Walking home someone splashed me ever so slightly by driving their car through a puddle and I was fuming, then a few seconds later the song on my ipod changed to a slow one and I was just about ready to burst into tears over a last minute xmas present issue.

I think it's turning me into a hypocondriac too because every little thing that happens to my body out of the ordinary is immediately blamed on my pill by my neurotic brain. I'm normally so sane as well. haha